Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/woman-saves-pig-during-live-stream/

What started out as an ordinary late-night live stream ended up becoming an extraordinary moment of heroism for one woman who was able to save a pregnant pig from certain death. Earlier in the year, Laura Palladino had gone to visit the June Farms located in West Sand Lake, New York. While at the farm she ended up meeting a pregnant pig named Ethel. Laura immediately took a liking to the pig.

That is why she recently decided to check in on Ethel using a live stream that was set up in the barn. Laura settled in for the live stream, assuming that the online view would be “the least stressful” thing she’d experience that day. She had no idea how stressful that live stream was about to become when a fire broke out in the barn.

As it turned out, during the stream, pregnant Ethel ended up bumping into a heat lamp and knocking it over. The lamp ended up sparking a fire in the nearby hay on the ground. Naturally, this was quite the startling sight for Laura, who immediately freaked out knowing that the pig could die if nothing was done.

Screenshot 314 - Woman Watching Live Stream Of Barn Save Pregnant Pig’s Life After It Catches Fire
Photo: Facebook / June Farms

As she explained to CBS, it was a moment of pure panic for Laura to witness such a moment. Even though she was in her home watching the fire break out, she knew she had to do something. And that is exactly what she did.

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Laura immediately got on the phone to June Farms but she could not get through to anyone. Her next move was to call the police and the fire department, and eventually, Matt Baumgartner, the farm’s owner. All her quick thinking and her constant calling ended up saving Ethel’s life. Someone managed to get to the pig in time to save her – and Laura monitored the whole situation on the live stream. Eventually, she was relieved to watch as Josh Vics, the farm’s manager, arrived to Ethel’s rescue.

June Farms was incredibly grateful to Laura for sounding the alarm and saving Ethel’s life. The farm stated in their social media post that they didn’t want to think about what might have happened to Ethel had Laura not been watching the live stream in time to call the West Sand Lake & Averill Park fire departments. Josh, the manager, was especially grateful. As he explained to CBS, he had raised Ethel since she was a little piglet. Because of how much he cares for the pig, the thought of something bad happening to her was just unbearable.

Screenshot 316 - Woman Watching Live Stream Of Barn Save Pregnant Pig’s Life After It Catches Fire
Photo: Facebook / June Farms

Thankfully, Laura’s actions helped to ensure that this story – wild as it was – had a happy ending. Following her coming to Ethel’s aid online, it was only fitting that Laura got to visit Ethel again in person. After saving her, Laura went on another trip to June Farms, and they had a lovely gesture in store for her.

As a thank you for saving Ethel, the farm has pledged to name Ethel’s firstborn piglet after Laura. The heroine admitted that she never imagined having a pig named after her, but she still appreciated the sweet gesture. The farm has taken the incident as a lesson learned in the dangers of heat lamps. They feel “incredibly fortunate” that Ethel and the other pigs escaped unscathed.

Watch the video below:

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog