Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/albino-deer-photographed-in-backyard/

Nature is always giving us unique surprises so long as we are keeping our eyes open for them. And while staring out the window of her Boulder Junction, Wisconsin home, one woman was treated to a natural delight when she spotted a rare-colored buck.

Rather than your usual beige-colored buck that roams the forest, Tracy Weese was lucky enough to spot a rare albino buck who was passing through her backyard.

Even luckier, she was able to get some very brilliant photos of the buck as he meandered on through.

Weese shared the pictures on Facebook, and given how amazing they turned out, it makes sense that the post received plenty of attention and was shared by thousands of people.

It had also received plenty of comments from people who were weighing in on how they turned out. One person pointed out that these beautiful animals are protected by the law as they’re quite rare. Another person wrote that they had “never seen a buck like this.”

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And a third person shared their concerns that they hope any hunter who may encounter the animal will have the decency to leave it alone.

125234169 10160285991948709 4880911974754509842 n - Woman Photographs Rare Pure-White Buck In Her Backyard
Photo: Facebook / Tracy Weese

Some people pointed out that the buck was not actually albino, as it wasn’t fully white. But Weese was quick to share that the buck was, indeed, albino. In the comments of her post, shared by Vilas County Sheriff’s Office, she explained, “The brown on his head is from him rubbing his white velvet on trees. The brown stain on his leg is his tarsal gland releasing his scent due to rut. He also has pink ears, pink mouth and pink around his eyes. I have close up shots of him as well.”

While the rarity of such a magnificent creature is not something to be taken lightly, Weese is lucky enough to see albino deer “daily” and says they’re “quite common” where she lives.

Luckily for the albino deer of Wisconsin, it is in their laws that the hunting of all-white deer is illegal.

Have you ever seen a white deer before? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog