Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-wuthering-heights-cats/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I’ve had the pleasure of being adopted by four cats, all of whom are named after characters in Bronte’s novel, “Wuthering Heights.” I didn’t plan it that way, but neither did I plan to have four cats!

wutheringheightscats2 - Woman Names All Her Cats After ‘Wuthering Heights’ Characters

It all started when I went to the shelter to adopt a cat. First, a pretty black tuxedo female walked straight up to me and curled up in my jacket. I’d been picked. Then I noticed a scary-looking black male with battered ears watching me. I decided to take them both.


After we got home that first day, the male let me know he didn’t like change. Affectionate at first, he pooped on my bed as soon as I left him alone. Right away, I thought of Heathcliff, the charming rogue in the novel. If he was Heathcliff, she had to be Cathy. We all settled down together (and he never pooped in my bed again).

wutheringheightscats3 - Woman Names All Her Cats After ‘Wuthering Heights’ Characters

That fall, a feral orange tom began visiting daily. Little more than a kitten, he was obsessed with Cathy. She, however, wasn’t at all impressed. She screamed at him through the window. Still he came. I named him Hareton, after the wild boy in the novel, tamed by his love for Cathy. Clearly he needed a home so I took him in, with misgivings given Cathy’s hostility. It took a year to tame him and almost that long for her to stop hissing at him.

Then, a small gray tuxedo male showed up in the middle of winter. I was running out of names! Finally, I chose Edgar. The poor boy obviously was abused, and was terrified of people. With months of gentle coaxing, he finally opened up. Once he did, he quickly gained confidence. I think he must have been well-loved as a kitten to bounce back so well.

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Heathcliff is clearly in charge, as befits his name. Far from being a rogue, he is very loving and gives me kisses when I hold him. Cathy is smart, mischievous and affectionate. Hareton is now a lap cat and Edgar never leaves my side.

Story submitted by Barbara from Lunenburg, Massachusetts.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog