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If you’ve ever had the privilege of fostering a dog, you realize how quickly you can get attached.

Of course, it’s a labor of love and we care for the dogs until they are able to get a forever home. In the meantime, we get new dogs to love and care for.

Sometimes, the privilege of fostering dogs is shared with others and when we see those videos online, we can’t help but laugh and cry at the same time. Perhaps that is how you will feel after you see this video that a woman posted on Twitter.

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Photo: Pixabay/didssph

As it turns out, Kate Howard decided to post an experience that she had with a former foster dog. She had cared for the dog over Thanksgiving and eventually, was able to give the pooch, that she named Winnie, over to a forever home. She loved the dog so much that she cried for three days.

By chance, she happened to see someone walking a dog in a local park and when she approached them, she found out that the dog had the same name.

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Photo: Pixabay/Fernando Latorre

As it turns out, the woman had adopted Winnie and didn’t want to confuse her so she kept the name.

That is when Kate freaked out, saying that she had actually fostered the dog when she was younger.

You can see what happened in the Twitter thread below:

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog