Simply enter your zip code, then search for whatever pet services you’re interested in, from pet food pantries and training, to veterinary care, and more.

An exciting new tool launched live this month: Think Yelp for free and low cost pet support services. Pet support is just a click away!

This platform changes the game for struggling pet owners, who may have thought their only option was to give up a loved pet to a shelter. Human Animal Support Services created this free, first-of-its-kind platform to make accessing pet support services easy.

pets findhelp homepage - With, Pet Support Is Just A Click Away!pets findhelp homepage - With, Pet Support Is Just A Click Away!
Homepage of

The platform is already filled with human services and resources to solidify the relationship between pets and the people that love them. Human Animal Support Services is partnering with to finally integrate animal services with human services. has been customized to be the single point for you to find solutions for your pets’ needs—like free pet food, access to medical care and behavioral support, and so much more. 

This will be the LARGEST and most robust repository of pet support *ever* and it’s completely free to use! Simply enter your zip code, then search for whatever pet services you’re interested in, from pet food pantries and training, to veterinary care, and more.

case study example 2 - With, Pet Support Is Just A Click Away!case study example 2 - With, Pet Support Is Just A Click Away!
In this example, Maya is left to find support on her own.
case study example 1 - With, Pet Support Is Just A Click Away!case study example 1 - With, Pet Support Is Just A Click Away!
With and some support from her local shelter, Maya and her dogs get the help they need during this difficult time.

Since launched on July 11, 2022, it’s already making a difference. More than 130 HASS partner shelters have launched local portals in their cities, and we have plans to expand across the country throughout 2022.

Nearly 10,000 individuals have run over 22,000 searches so far. The top searches have been for ​​”pet food pantries” followed by “veterinary financial help”—two searches that speak to the urgent need for this resource. 

pets findhelp inside landing - With, Pet Support Is Just A Click Away!pets findhelp inside landing - With, Pet Support Is Just A Click Away!
Landing page with pet related services navigation

As more people learn about, we expect tremendous growth: 49,000 users conducting 103,000 searches by the end of 2022. And with that, people who thought they were out of options for keeping the pets they love, will instead be able to find and access the support that keeps families together.

HASS partner organizations can click here to learn more about maximizing the tools and network of And here’s the link for community partner organizations to build a presence on and support pet owners in your area!

Source: Human Animal Support Services