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image - Vet Comforts Dog That Got Burned In A House Fire By Sleeping In The Kennel

It can be difficult when you’re a veterinarian, but there are also many benefits and blessings that come along with the job. After all, you get to work with some of the greatest creatures on the planet, our pets.

Even though most veterinarians would never choose another career, there are times when it can be a difficult road to travel. That is especially true when your heart goes all out for an animal that just might not make it through.

Taka is a lovely dog that fits into that category. After being taken to the Care More Animal Hospital for being burned in a house fire, the veterinarian that cared for the pooch was Emily Martin. Nobody was sure if the dog would survive.

Taka was inside of the screened-in porch of the home when it was on fire. His family tried to get to him but were unsuccessful. Eventually, he worked his way through the fire and made it out alive, but received a lot of burns in the process.

Veterinarians worked feverishly at the hospital to make sure that Taka stayed alive. He had severe injuries, including his eyes being damaged and being burned over much of his body.

When the family heard about the extensive medical treatments that Taka would need, they realized that they couldn’t provide that level of care. That is when they signed the paper and turned their beloved dog over to the hospital.

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Martin decided that she would be responsible for the dog and she stayed up with him all night long. The pup was in so much pain and anxiety that he just couldn’t sleep.

The next day, they ended up falling asleep in a kennel with each other because they were both so exhausted. After the picture was shared on social media, it went viral and it’s easy to see why.

That was nearly two years ago, and since then, Taka has healed wonderfully and found a forever home. A staff member named Crystal took Taka in as her own and he’s since been well-socialized and found comfort in his loving home.

You can follow along his journey through his Facebook page, Taka’s Journey.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog