Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/protect-hippos/

Hippos are one of the most iconic and beloved animals in the world. But they are also facing a dire situation that could push them towards extinction. Despite a population decline in recent years, the United States continues to import hippo parts at an alarming rate. Between 2009 and 2018, the US imported over 9,000 hippo teeth, 5,700 skin pieces, and 1,700 carvings, making it the top importer of hippo parts in the world, the Humane Society of the United States reports.

The commercial trade in hippo parts is contributing to the decline of this majestic animal. However, this is not the only threat that hippos face. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, habitat loss and degradation, drought, and poaching are all factors that could push the species towards extinction. The need for federal protection is critical to saving hippos from disappearing from the planet.

protect hippos 4 - Urgent Measures Needed to Prevent the Extinction of Hippos, a Vital Species in African Ecosystems
Photo: Adobe Stock / stuporter
The commercial trade in hippo parts is contributing to the decline of the common hippo.

The loss of habitat due to human activities, such as farming, logging, and urbanization, is one of the biggest threats to hippos, scientific studies show. Hippos require large areas of wetlands, rivers, and lakes to survive. However, as these habitats are destroyed, hippos are left with fewer places to live, feed, and breed.

Drought is another serious problem for hippos. As climate change causes more extreme weather events, such as prolonged droughts, hippos are at risk of losing their habitats and food sources, Science Daily reports. This can lead to starvation and death.

protect hippos 6 - Urgent Measures Needed to Prevent the Extinction of Hippos, a Vital Species in African Ecosystems
Photo: Adobe Stock / stuporter
Hippos are one of the most iconic and beloved animals in the world.

Poaching is also a significant threat to hippos. According to New Scientist, poachers hunt hippos for their meat, hides, and ivory teeth. The illegal trade in hippo parts is a lucrative business, and it has contributed to the decline of hippo populations in Africa. This is why it is essential to ban commercial trade in hippo parts and provide funding and awareness to protect hippos from poaching.

Federal protection for hippos would be a significant step towards protecting this species from extinction. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) provides a framework for protecting endangered species and their habitats. Under the ESA, the US government can regulate and prohibit the trade of endangered species and their parts. This would prevent the importation of hippo parts into the US and reduce demand for this cruel trade.

protect hippos 5 - Urgent Measures Needed to Prevent the Extinction of Hippos, a Vital Species in African Ecosystems
Photo: Adobe Stock / henk bogaard
Federal protection for hippos would be a significant step towards protecting this species from extinction.

In addition to federal protection, there are other actions that can be taken to help hippos. Governments and conservation organizations must work together to protect and restore hippo habitats. This includes implementing policies to reduce habitat loss and degradation, managing water resources, and promoting sustainable land use practices. Education and awareness campaigns can also help reduce demand for hippo parts and promote conservation efforts.

Hippos are a vital part of the ecosystem and culture in many countries, Learning English reports. They play an essential role in maintaining the health of wetland ecosystems, and they have cultural significance for many indigenous communities. Saving hippos from extinction is not just a matter of protecting a species, but it is also about protecting our planet’s biodiversity and cultural heritage.

protect hippos 7 - Urgent Measures Needed to Prevent the Extinction of Hippos, a Vital Species in African Ecosystems
Photo: Adobe Stock / Distinctive Images
Hippos are a vital part of the ecosystem and culture in many countries.

Hippos face a dire situation that requires immediate action. The commercial trade in hippo parts, habitat loss and degradation, drought, and poaching are all threats that need to be addressed. Federal protection for hippos under the ESA would provide critical protections to prevent the importation of hippo parts and raise awareness about the need to conserve this iconic animal. We must act now to save hippos from extinction and preserve the biodiversity and cultural heritage of our planet.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog