Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/standards-of-care/

Tulsa, Oklahoma has recently introduced a groundbreaking law that sets higher standards for pet care, particularly for animals kept outdoors.

This law is a significant stride in animal welfare, reflecting a growing societal commitment to the well-being of companion animals.

compassionate pet care pledge 4 - Tulsa Sets New Standard in Animal Welfare with Groundbreaking Pet Care Law
Photo: Pexels
Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for maintaining a companion animal’s health.

Details of the New Ordinance

The new ordinance, as reported by NewsOn6, outlines specific care standards for pets. It mandates that pets should be clean, well-fed, hydrated, and have suitable shelter, especially during extreme weather.

Colton Jones, Operations Manager at Tulsa Animal Welfare, highlights that the goal is rapid intervention.

“It’s really about how quickly we can get to them and start giving them the help that they need,” Jones told NewsOn6

compassionate pet care pledge 5 - Tulsa Sets New Standard in Animal Welfare with Groundbreaking Pet Care Law
Photo: Pexels
Spaying or neutering pets helps control the pet population and prevents health issues.

Restrictions on Tethering

A significant aspect of the ordinance is the restriction on tethering. The use of choke collars and cords is banned. Furthermore, pets are not to be tethered between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Jones explains these measures aim to protect pets during colder hours when they are most vulnerable and likely unmonitored.

Educational Approach to Enforcement

While the law includes fines ranging from $100 to $1,200 and potential jail time for repeat offenders, its primary focus is education over punishment. The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals corroborates this approach, noting that most cases of pet distress result from ignorance rather than deliberate neglect.

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Photo: Pexels
Mental stimulation through play and interaction prevents boredom and stress.

Comprehensive Care Guidelines

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) provides comprehensive guidelines for animal care, covering aspects like housing, feeding, watering, and sanitation. These guidelines emphasize the importance of sufficient space, freedom of movement, and access to shelter for animals housed outdoors.

The AVMA’s emphasis on preventive medicine, including isolation and quarantine facilities, aligns with Tulsa’s ordinance objectives to safeguard animal health and well-being.

Tulsa’s Legal Framework

The Tulsa City Code provides a legal framework for the ordinance. It defines offenses, like failure to provide basic care to pets or improper tethering, and outlines penalties. The code also details requirements for commercial animal establishments, ensuring that animals in these settings receive appropriate care.

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Photo: Pexels
Observing and understanding pet behavior aids in identifying their needs.

Community Voices and Enforcement

Community input is vital to understanding and preventing cases of animal neglect or abuse. Tulsa Animal Welfare’s emphasis on community education underscores the ordinance’s preventive approach.

As NewsOn6 reports, enforcement officers are not only tasked with penalizing offenders but also with educating pet owners about proper care standards.

compassionate pet care pledge 7 - Tulsa Sets New Standard in Animal Welfare with Groundbreaking Pet Care Law
Photo: Pexels
Prompt veterinary care for illness or injury is crucial.

Tulsa’s new ordinance is a proactive measure to elevate the care standards for pets, especially those kept outdoors. By incorporating educational strategies alongside legal enforcement, the city sets an example for responsible pet ownership.

These efforts reflect a broader societal shift towards recognizing and valuing the well-being of companion animals.

Take a stand for pets everywhere. Sign our petition to spread Tulsa’s compassionate plan to other communities and help pets thrive!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog