Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/toddler-negotiates-with-dog/

If you’ve ever lived with a dog and a baby at the same time, you know they can sometimes get on each other’s nerves. The baby often wants to take the dog’s toys, and the dog sometimes tries to steal the baby’s toys right back!

It can be a never-ending battle, but one 14-month-old toddler came up with the perfect solution.

Agnes Olen was outside with her toddler and dog when she saw the scene unfold.

1200x628 template 4 2022 04 21T103849.482 - Toddler Negotiates With Dog To Get His Toy Back
Photo: YouTube/Rumble Viral

It started when the dog walked over and snagged the child’s toy. Rather than step in, Olen wanted to watch and see what would happen and she’s sure glad she did!

Instead of getting upset and throwing a tantrum, the small child came up with a brilliant idea. They were going to negotiate with the dog to get their toy back!

1200x628 template 4 2022 04 21T104032.630 - Toddler Negotiates With Dog To Get His Toy Back
Photo: YouTube/Rumble Viral

Olen thankfully pulled out her phone to record so we can all see what happened next. In the clip, which Olen shared on Instagram, you can see the small child picking up a stick and walking up to the dog.

The child then pretends to play with the stick and gets the dog interested in joining. The negotiation works and the dog ends up dropping the child’s toy in lieu of the fun, new stick!

1200x628 template 4 2022 04 21T104054.166 - Toddler Negotiates With Dog To Get His Toy Back
Photo: YouTube/Rumble Viral

I’m not sure many adults would even come up with such a clever idea.

Check it out in the video below:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog