The Work You Do Is Never Easy and Its Never Been More Important  - The Work You Do Is Never Easy, and It’s Never Been More Important

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Looking back at 2022, I can’t help but marvel at the resiliency, creativity, and determination of everyone working through what has been an extremely challenging time. The work you do is never easy, and it’s never been more important.

We are so proud to have spent this last year standing beside our 21 pilot shelters, and the thousands of shelters, organizations, and individuals coming together through the Human Animal Support Services project to save animals’ lives, and keep families together. 

Thank you. Thank you for your dedication, your commitment, and your incredibly hard work. Thank you for inviting us to be a part of what you do.

In 2022, we launched a lot of new tools and resources to support your work, including—a free, first-of-its-kind platform for anyone to access pet support services easily—and a dozen free, fully-customizable communications kits created in partnership with HeARTs Speak, to help HASS organizations talk with their communities about, and get support for, community-focused sheltering.

We have also spent the last two years creating, and rigorously testing, community-focused programs, resources, and tools. 

In 2023, we will be working hand in hand with our pilot shelters to put in place the best evidence-backed practices and tangible solutions that work, working with each of our pilot shelters to develop and implement a bespoke HASS model that works for your organization and your community. 

We will be providing our pilot shelters legislative support, communications support, deeper and more personalized operational support, even budgetary support, as well as key data about what the families in your community say they need.

We are going to spend the next year supporting you, to help you become the shelter you want to be. 

It’s going to be amazing. It’s going to be transformational. 

Thank you for being a part of our HASS community, and being with us on this powerful journey. Here’s to a great new year for people and pets.

With appreciation, excitement, and respect,

Vincent Medley

Source: Human Animal Support Services