Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/video-of-tailorbird-sewing-nest/

image - The Tailorbird Uses Its Beak As A Needle To ‘Sew’ Its Nest Together

The closer we look at the world around us, the more amazing it becomes. It doesn’t matter if you are looking in your backyard or in a distant area, there is going to be something incredible that is taking place in the animal kingdom.

Some of those animals have amazing skills and they are built right in! This includes a tropical bird in Asia, known as the Tailorbird.

When it makes a nest, it fuses it together without using any type of sewing equipment.

As you watch the video below, you will see them sewing up a nest in the same way that you might sew a rip in a shirt. The females look for healthy leaves to use as the basis for the foundational structure of the nest. Since the nest will hold the mother and her chicks, it needs to be strong enough and be in a secure location in case of predators.

That is when the Tailorbird shows off its crafting skills. She has a beak that is shaped like a needle and it pierces tiny holes in the edges of the leaves.

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After finding fibers, such as lint, cotton, or cobwebs, she pulls it through the holes and then sews the leaves together. In order to ensure that the nest is stable and strong, she may use up to 200 stitches. Adjustments will also be made, depending upon the type of leaves that are used and the coarseness of the material.

It may take as long as four days for the nest to be built. The female does the stitching but the male gathers the necessary pieces, including the “thread” and soft materials to make it nice and comfortable. When the nest is finished, the mother and her chicks can be comfy and warm without drawing the attention of predators.

Watch it for yourself in the following video:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog