Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/texas-dog-missing-found-florida/

Most pet owners will tell you that one of the most stressful things that they could possibly go through is losing their beloved animal.

It only takes a moment for them to disappear but it is a lifetime of heartbreak that could be associated with it.

1200x628 template 4 2022 12 30T200651.837 - Texas Dog Missing For 7 Years Found Hundreds Of Miles Away In Florida
Photo: Pexels/Suvan Chowdhury

Nobody knows this better than a family from Texas. According to a Facebook post from the Orange County Animal Services, they were enjoying some fireworks together as a family when the family dog, seven-year-old Jazzy got spooked and bolted.

Although they looked for Jazzy for a long time and never gave up hope on finding her again, it had been years since they had seen her. That is what makes this story so remarkable because it gives all of us hope that have ever been in this situation.

Hundreds of miles away from their home in Texas, Orange County Animal Services was called to the scene when a dog was found in a Florida hotel. That dog was in bad shape, suffering from severe arthritis, and could barely walk.

Even though the dog was suffering, she still was “extremely sweet and gentle.” They took her in but the staff didn’t feel that she would have much of a chance of being adopted because she had some health issues.

They decided to scan her for a microchip and when they did, they got more than they bargained for. They posted what happened on Facebook, saying: “Our staff tracked down the information, and it came back to a family in Texas. When we called them, we gave them the surprise of a lifetime.”

The shelter told the family what was wrong with Jazzy, including all of the health issues and her current condition. Kerry, the human in Jazzy’s life, never hesitated. He flew to Florida within a few days to be reunited with his pup.

The shelter said: “We don’t know how Jazzy wound up here in Orlando, or what her life has been like. But after seven years, Jazzy was finally going home.”

As you can imagine, a tearful reunion was in place and Jazzy even recognized Kerry’s voice. She never took her eyes off of him, licking his hand repeatedly and moving as close as she could.

People at the shelter were touched by what they saw and after sharing it on Facebook, people around the world were touched by it as well.

Perhaps the rescuers said it best when they said: “If we could bottle this type of love and give it to every adopter, we would. If we could write a happy ending like this for every one of our animals, we would.”

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog