Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/save-the-vaquita/

The vaquita is a small porpoise native to the northern part of the Gulf of California, and it is currently the most critically endangered marine mammal in the world, NOAA Fisheries reports.

With an estimated population of just over 10 individuals, the vaquita is on the verge of extinction. According to the World Wildlife Fund, urgent action is needed to save this species from disappearing forever.

save the vaquita 5 - Take Action To Save The Vaquita: 8 Steps You Can Take To Protect This Critically Endangered Species
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Paula Olson, NOAA
The vaquita is the most critically endangered marine mammal in the world – and it needs our help.

One of the main challenges faced by the vaquita is the loss of its habitat. As the University of California San Diego reports, the Gulf of California is home to a diverse array of marine life, including many commercial fish species, but it is also heavily impacted by human activity. Overfishing, pollution, and the construction of dams and other infrastructure projects have all contributed to the decline of the vaquita’s habitat, porpoise.org reports.

Another major threat to the vaquita is entanglement in fishing gear. The vaquita is a small and elusive creature, and it is often caught accidentally by fishermen using gillnets to target other species, reports Sea Shepherd.

save the vaquita 4 - Take Action To Save The Vaquita: 8 Steps You Can Take To Protect This Critically Endangered Species
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Rivera0997
The vaquita is facing many challenges, but with your help, we can overcome them.

Gillnets are mesh nets that are set in the water to catch fish. They are often used to target species such as tuna and sardines, but they can also be dangerous for other marine life, including the vaquita, VaquitaCPR reports. Because the nets are difficult to see in the water, the vaquita can become trapped and suffocate before it can be released.

So what can be done to save the vaquita from extinction?

save the vaquita 6 - Take Action To Save The Vaquita: 8 Steps You Can Take To Protect This Critically Endangered Species
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Paula Olson, NOAA
With fewer than 10 individuals remaining, the vaquita is on the verge of extinction.

According to EIA International, one of the key strategies is to protect and restore the vaquita’s habitat. This could involve creating marine protected areas, enforcing fishing regulations, and reducing pollution. Another important step is to develop and promote alternative fishing methods that do not rely on gillnets, such as hook and line fishing, NOAA Fisheries reports.

In addition to these conservation efforts, it is also important to raise awareness about the vaquita and its plight. Many people are unaware of the existence of this species, let alone the challenges it faces, WWF reports. By educating the public and building support for conservation efforts, we can help ensure that the vaquita has a future.

save the vaquita 7 - Take Action To Save The Vaquita: 8 Steps You Can Take To Protect This Critically Endangered Species
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Paula Olson, NOAA
We can’t let the vaquita disappear forever. There are steps we can take to protect this species and its habitat.

Here are eight steps you can take to save this critically endangered species from extinction:

8. Reduce pollution

Help to reduce pollution in the Gulf of California and other marine environments by properly disposing of waste, using environmentally-friendly products, and conserving water.

7. Educate yourself and others

Educate yourself and others about the vaquita and the issues it faces, and share this information with your friends and family.

save the vaquita 11 - Take Action To Save The Vaquita: 8 Steps You Can Take To Protect This Critically Endangered Species
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Dominik~commonswiki
The vaquita lives in the northern part of the Gulf of California.

6. Support sustainable fishing

Support sustainable fishing practices and choose seafood that is caught using methods that are less harmful to the vaquita and other marine life.

5. Advocate for the vaquita

Use your voice to advocate for the vaquita and other endangered species. Write letters to your elected representatives, join a conservation group, or participate in local events to raise awareness about the vaquita’s plight.

save the vaquita 9 - Take Action To Save The Vaquita: 8 Steps You Can Take To Protect This Critically Endangered Species
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Paula Olson, NOAA
There are many ways that you can make a difference for the vaquita – from supporting conservation organizations to reducing your own environmental impact.

4. Support new habitat creation

Support the creation of marine protected areas in the vaquita’s habitat, and help to enforce existing regulations that protect these areas.

3. Get involved

Get involved in local conservation efforts and volunteer your time and resources to help protect the vaquita and its habitat.

save the vaquita 10 - Take Action To Save The Vaquita: 8 Steps You Can Take To Protect This Critically Endangered Species
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Paula Olson, NOAA
The vaquita is a small but mighty porpoise, and it deserves a chance to thrive.

2. Spread the word

Spread the word about the vaquita and its need for protection, and encourage others to join you in these efforts. Together, we can make a difference and help to save the vaquita from extinction.

1. Support good work

Support organizations that are working to protect and conserve the vaquita and its habitat, like Greater Good Charities and Project Peril. Donations to this program are crucial in supporting the rescue of vaquitas and sea lions entangled in nets and trash, help educate local fishers about the importance of safe fishing practices, and even take them on rescues to see firsthand the torture these animals go through.

save the vaquita 8 - Take Action To Save The Vaquita: 8 Steps You Can Take To Protect This Critically Endangered Species
Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Paula Olson, NOAA
By working together, we can help save the vaquita from extinction.

The vaquita is a unique and fascinating species, and it is worth saving. Take the Pledge to Save the Vaquita and help this critically endangered porpoise recover and thrive once again.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog