Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/holiday-shoppers-pets/

A recent study conducted by PetSmart and Wakefield Research asked 1,000 U.S. pet parents about their holiday plans this year, and the answers should come as no surprise if you’re one of the millions of pet owners in America. The pet industry rakes in billions of dollars each year as more and more people tend to treat their pets like kids. We buy them things and spend money on them even when it means we go without or, at the very least, have to cut back on our own needs.

Screen Shot 2022 11 04 at 4.30.43 PM - Survey Finds Holiday Shoppers Intend to Spend More Time and Money on Pets This Year
Photo: The Animal Rescue Site Store

Holiday Shopping for Pets

With the holidays fast approaching, you’re probably already thinking about your gift list, and items for your dog or cat are likely on it. According to the data, 87 percent of those queried said they planned to spend more bonding time with their pets over the holidays with 82 percent noting that the holidays just wouldn’t be the holidays without their pets. That said, 83 percent of those surveyed marked the box “very likely” when it came to whether they were planning on buying their pet a gift. Better yet, 54 percent admitted that they’d likely spend more time shopping for their fur balls than some family members. Why is this not a shock?

Screen Shot 2022 11 04 at 4.33.09 PM - Survey Finds Holiday Shoppers Intend to Spend More Time and Money on Pets This Year
Photo: The Animal Rescue Site Store

For the Love of Pets

This should surprise absolutely no one. After all, we get to pick our pets, not our families. “The holidays have a way of making us feel extra special, so it’s only natural that we want our pets to feel special, too,” Stacia Andersen, executive vice president and chief customer officer for PetSmart, said in a press release. “By doing anything for pets during this most wonderful time of year, we’re really just helping pet parents share the joy of the season with their furry, winged, and scaly family members.”

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Photo: The Animal Rescue Site Store

Holiday Gift Ideas for Pets

Of course, all of the big box stores and niche pet product suppliers will have tons of fun goodies for pets of all shapes and sizes, but something you might not be aware of is that GreaterGood has an online store where you can find many of the same or similar items, AND purchasing them at The Animal Rescue Site Store leads to pets in need being fed. Check it out and make the holidays of some shelter pets that much brighter!

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Photo: The Animal Rescue Site Store

On another note during the season of giving, if you’d like to help out special needs pets that need a set of wheels to get around, you can do so for a small donation. Another $10 will also provide a blanket to people and pets in Ukraine if you’re feeling altruistic and can afford it. If you click on the photo captions above or below, they’ll take you to the items shown.

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Photo: The animal Rescue Site Store

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog