Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/pet-parenting-impacts-dogs-behavior/

Everybody has their own, unique style. This includes the way that we raise our human children as well as our furry children.

As it turns out, a study by Oregon State University shows that the way we parent our furry children can have an impact on their behavior.

1200x628 template 4 2022 11 28T183332.235 - Study Shows How You Parent Your Dog May Impact Its Behavior Later In Life
Photo: Pexels/RODNAE Productions

Everybody who has a pet in their lives realizes that they have a unique personality. Some are shy, others are outgoing but all of them have the ability to love.

As it turns out, the study shows that the way we care for our pets can really have an impact on their behavior. If we are responsive to their behavior, they are more likely to be secure in their attachment to us and to be more social. They might even have a better opportunity for problem-solving.

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Photo: Pexels/Dominika Roseclay

If parents tend to be more permissive, however, they may not be as attached to their parents and will not be as good at problem-solving. In a news release, a co-author of the study, Monique Udell, said: “We found that pet parenting style does predict patterns of dog behavior and cognition.”

Udell, who is a dog behavior expert and an associate professor at Oregon State University, went on to say that it is important to know these things because it shows dog owners that being more understanding of their dogs in meeting their needs has benefits.

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Photo: Pexels/cottonbro studio

48 dog owners were used as part of the study, which was published in Animal Cognition. After a survey was given, three behavioral tests were then provided for each dog. This included how attached the dog was to their owner, its social skills, and the pet’s ability to solve a puzzle and get a treat.

Michigan State University researchers did a similar study in 2019. They discovered that humans influenced the personalities of their pets, resulting in them sharing certain personality traits.

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Photo: Pexels/Kampus Production

This included parents who were extroverted and had pups that were more active. If a parent was an agreeable individual, they tended to have dogs that would not be fearful around animals or people.

The new study piggybacks on the old study, showing that we truly can have an impact on the personalities of our pets, depending upon how we treat them and live around them.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog