Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-flash/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

Flash entered our lives in the summer of 2009. My husband and I were out of town when we received an early morning text photo from our daughter. It was a picture of this little kitten. Since we already had three rescue cats at home, I pretty well knew what was coming next!

flash3 - Stray Kitten Chomps Down on Stranger’s French Fries, Ends Up with a New Home

I called her, and she explained that as she was driving to the store the night before, this small kitten ran across the street in front of her. When she came out of the store, he had crossed back over the street and was sitting by her car.


She wondered if he was hungry and offered him the only food she had – a couple of French fries. He bit her fingers as he was gulping them down. Afraid to leave him because he seemed to have no human family or fear of the street or traffic, she brought him home. The next morning, she took him to our vet, and thankfully for him (and us), he got a clean bill of health.

flash2 - Stray Kitten Chomps Down on Stranger’s French Fries, Ends Up with a New Home

This little boy was so sweet and loving and full of personality that he quickly won his way into our hearts. He loves to play, is interested in everything, and is always willing to lend a helping “paw” to whatever task is at hand. And because he was weaned too early as a kitten, he is a sometimes “shirt sucker” – he’ll snuggle up close to your neck, knead a little, and then begin to suck on your shirt collar.

Our other cats eventually took to him, although the two senior cats who were 12 and 10 at the time were hesitant at first with all that kitten energy, but the 5-year-old loved having a brother to romp around and play with. Flash, with his little quirks and playful ways, has brought a lot of joy into our lives. We’re lucky he found us that summer day!

flash1 - Stray Kitten Chomps Down on Stranger’s French Fries, Ends Up with a New Home

Story submitted by Nancy Mullins from Ludlow, Kentucky.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog