Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/stop-frisk-poo-bags/

Dog walkers could be fined £100 for not cleaning up after their pooches, and stop-and-frisk laws are being considered. Say what?

Nobody enjoys stepping in dog poo. In fact, it’s one of the most irritating things that can happen during your day, and getting rid of the smell can be near impossible. We get that stray dogs are unattended and that occasionally dog walkers run out of poo bags. But far more frequently, it’s dog owners that just don’t give a crap about, well, their canine’s crap. It’s gotten to the point that communities across the globe are fed up trying to do something about it.

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Photo: Pixabay/MARTINOPHUC

Hammersmith & Fulham

In England, councils are working to stem the rising tide of dog poop that’s over-running many London streets, and pending legislation could grant them the power to fine dismissive dog owners who fail to clean up after their pups. But it doesn’t end there. Dog walkers in the London borough of Hammersmith & Fulham could possibly be subject to stop-and-frisk procedures by councils, who would have the power to fine them up to £100 if they’re not carrying poop bags for their dogs.

It’s part of new legislation referred to as a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) that’s currently being considered. As well as stopping dog owners to search for poo bags or fining them for not picking up after their dogs, dog owners could also be fined if their dog is deemed to be acting too aggressively.

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Photo: Pixabay/gamagapix

Professional Dog Walkers

If passed, the impact on professional dog walkers could be great, because it could also mean that one person wouldn’t be allowed to walk more than four dogs at a time, and exclusion areas could be introduced in playgrounds. Consideration for the legislation runs until January. If the Public Space Protection Order passes there, offenders would have 14 days to pay the fine, which would be reduced to £60 if paid within a week. The legislation could also serve as a template or road map for other towns fed up with lazy or entitled pet parents not doing their part.

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Photo: Pixabay/wir_sind_klein

Interestingly, individuals with what are termed “assistance dogs” would be exempt, as would people with a reasonable excuse or folks with certain disabilities. There’s no word yet on just what kind of “reasonable excuse” would be considered acceptable.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog