Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/shelter-dogs-senior-photo-shoot/

image - Shelter Dresses Older Dogs Like “Senior Petizens” To Help Them Get Adopted

Every dog deserves a home that loves them and adores them. Sadly for many dogs, they don’t always get their happily ever afters. Some will end up living very tragic lives on the streets or waiting in shelters for ages until they’re adopted.

And for many senior dogs living in shelters, that wait is often extended since not many people are willing to take a chance on an older dog. That is why many shelters or rescues will often go out of their way to try and give shelter dogs that extra boost to help get them adopted.

One Florida-based shelter did just that when they came up with a very ingenious way of getting their senior members noticed by potential adopters. The Flager Humane Society has been dressing up their senior citizens exactly like senior citizens, or as they refer to them, “senior petizens.” How cute!

Each pet gets a full makeover with glasses, scarves, ties, wigs, and more, and then they undergo a little photo shoot. During the photo shoot, there is a whiteboard that gives some insight into the pets, like how long they’ve been looking for a home and what their personality quirks are.

All the dogs are adorable, but there have definitely have been some standouts who will hopefully have no problem finding the forever homes they deserve, now that they’ve had their photoshoot.

One of the dogs in search of a forever home is Wookie, who loves to curl up at his owner’s feet. He’s also got a great personality for being around children, but sometimes he can try to be a bit domineering with other dogs – guess that’s just the senior spunkiness in him.

Noke was returned to the shelter after her owners decided that they were unable to care for a big girl like her. The shelter is hopeful that she will end up in a loving forever home since the pup “loves everyone she meets.”

And one of the shelter’s premier cuties is Meatball, a good boy who loves playing with other dogs as well as cuddling up to people on the sofa. The playful pooch does have a rare blood disorder that will need treatment. However, the cost of the treatment isn’t that expensive and the disorder itself is pretty manageable.

Sharpie is one of the shelter’s long-term residents, and she’d really like a home. She first came to the rescue after being found abandoned on a golf course.

The poor dog was suffering from heartworms and skin allergies but has been able to make a full recovery. Now that she is healthy, she is eager to find her forever family.

And there is also Uce, who is a giant lapdog, unaware of his own size. That is the kind of love that anyone would be lucky to welcome into their family.

For more information regarding these dogs or other senior pooches looking for homes, or to donate to the shelter, you can check out their website.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog