Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-tigra/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

It was a busy day at work, full of lots of meetings. I finally returned to my desk, only to find a voice message waiting for me. My husband’s voice said, “Sweetheart, someone wants to meet you.” Then I heard a very distinctive, “Miu! Miu miu meeewwwww!”

tigra2 - Shelter Cat Pushes All the Other Kitties Out of the Way When She Sees the Human She Wants

Guess what happened two days later? That’s right, we went to meet the kitties – not that he was biased toward a particular one, really. (and if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you…) The adoptable cats were in a room where they could roam freely, so I sat down in the middle and waited to see what would happen. A gray tabby with a very recognizable voice came right up and demanded my attention. She was so adorable, with wide, sincere green eyes, and she rubbed against my arm and purred like there was no tomorrow! But I’m a big believer in giving Dame Fortune her due, so I tried getting to know the other cats, as well.

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That wasn’t going to cut it. The gray tabby started circling like a shark. As curious cats started to approach me, she cut them off with a soft snarl. The brave souls who made it through her protective circle were petted maybe once or twice before she forced her way between us – never threatening the other cats, just insisting that I pet her instead. My husband laughed and said very firmly, “She’s coming home with us.”

And she did! Tigra has added color and affection to our household ever since. I think it’s the first time a cat has gone so far out of her way to adopt me!

tigra1 - Shelter Cat Pushes All the Other Kitties Out of the Way When She Sees the Human She Wants

Story submitted by N.B. from Seattle, Washington.

Tigra’s story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog