Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/hearts-alive-village-impact/

Animal shelters are a safe haven for homeless, abused, and neglected dogs. Staff spend countless hours rehabilitating and caring for each dog, and the process is so much easier if they have the proper tools.

Learn how your clicks on the Animal Rescue Site and shopping at the Animal Rescue Site Store helped give Benjamin and Franklin, two severely abused dogs, a new “leash” on life.

Hearts Alive Village in Las Vegas rescued two dogs who were terrified of people and shaking with fear due to repeated abuse and neglect. They cowered at the back of their kennel and jumped at the slightest sound.

hearts alive village impact 2 - Severely Abused Dogs Get New “Leash” On Life Thanks To You
Photo: Hearts Alive Village Las Vegas

“As many rescue stories go, the past can be somewhat of a mystery. Although these two dogs had no names when they came to us here at Hearts Alive Village, we know a little more about Benjamin and Franklin’s past than most. Sadly, it’s a story that we’re certain these boys would rather forget. Dog after dog, we have learned that a history of abuse and neglect will not define these amazing creatures. Ben and Frank are such a beautiful example of this,” Christy Stevens, founder and executive director of the shelter, shared with us.

“With patience, love, and guidance they have come so far. When we were able to secure them last May, they were nearly feral dogs. They were terrified of humans, of leashes, and of the whole world,” Stevens went on to say.

hearts alive village impact 1 - Severely Abused Dogs Get New “Leash” On Life Thanks To You
Photo: Hearts Alive Village Las Vegas

Staff and volunteers spent hours just sitting quietly with the dogs and reading to them as they tossed them treats to prove not all humans are monsters.

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Slowly, Benjamin started to seek attention but Franklin was still too afraid. “He (Benjamin) was becoming so brave and sweet. Poor Franklin’s body still shook and he would hide behind his brother, startling and darting at the slightest noise. But Franklin was watching his brother’s every interaction with us… and learning.”

hearts alive village impact 4 - Severely Abused Dogs Get New “Leash” On Life Thanks To You
Photo: Hearts Alive Village Las Vegas

Ron, the shelter’s enrichment specialist, has made amazing progress over the past few months with the dogs and can even put a leash on Benjamin. Both dogs were petrified of everything when they arrived but are now ready to continue to flourish and learn in a foster home.

GreaterGood and The Animal Rescue Site were able to send hundreds of leashes, harnesses/collars, food bowls, enrichment toys, and raised beds because of your daily clicks and purchases at our store. The shelter said these tools and toys helped the dogs recover and experience comfort for the first time in their lives.

hearts alive village impact 3 - Severely Abused Dogs Get New “Leash” On Life Thanks To You
Photo: Hearts Alive Village Las Vegas

“The raised beds helped to make them more comfortable than they’ve ever been in their life. The filled Kongs really helped give them something fun to do and after we began giving them, you could see the excitement in their whole bodies when people came around. Tails up, open smiles!! They are met by gentle staff and volunteers every day who are helping to build their confidence and develop the trust that was so badly broken. The tools given us have meant the world to their progress!”

hearts alive village impact 5 - Severely Abused Dogs Get New “Leash” On Life Thanks To You
Photo: Hearts Alive Village Las Vegas

Thank you for your support!

Follow Hearts Alive Village Las Vegas on Facebook for more updates on Benjamin and Franklin.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog