Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/san-antonio-ordinance-to-ban-pet-store-sales-from-dog-breeders/

image - San Antonio Proposed Ordinance Would Ban Pet Stores Sales From Dog Breeders

In San Antonio, a city ordinance is being proposed that would restrict dogs and cats from being sold in San Antonio pet stores. It isn’t placing restrictions on all pet sales, just those that come from breeders.

The City Council is planning on taking up the ordinance on October 29. Any pet store within the city limits could only sell dogs or cats they get through animal rescue organizations, animal control agencies, or county/city animal shelters.

If a pet store is in violation of the ordinance, the minimum penalty is between $100 and $500.

Those who support this measure see it as a way to stop “puppy mills” from getting a foothold in the industry. These large, commercial dog breeding businesses have often put profits above the care of animals.

Puppy mills are often a means for breeders to keep animals in unsanitary and cruel conditions. The puppies are taken from the mother too early and then are shipped to outside states. Once they arrive in another state, they will often get a very high price per animal.

The going market rate for a new puppy is currently between $2500 and $3000, according to Royal Pet Palace owner Jessica Loven, as KSAT reported.

Loven does use breeders from a number of states, as well as pet brokers. She said that it is not possible to change her business model to fit the new requirements. She also defends the quality of breeders she chooses.

That is why she is considering moving outside of the city limits or moving to a new location altogether. KSAT shared that she said: “It’s not necessarily going to get rid of us, but it’s just going to move us outside of the city limit.”

According to the news outlet, CS Director Heber Lefgren said, the city isn’t opposed to breeding practices that are considered to be humane. As he says, breeders will continue to breed but they have to follow humane practices and get the proper permits, whether for selling or breeding puppies.

At this time, the city code requires a “litter permit” before a litter is born. They must also have a “seller’s permit” if they plan on selling at least one animal. If a violation occurs in either area, the city code requires sterilization.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog