Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/husky-rings-doorbell-at-shelter/

image - Runaway Husky Escapes Family And Walks 10 Miles To Her Old Shelter

When a friendly husky mix escaped her new family and took off, no one was sure where she was headed.

You can imagine the surprise of everyone when the runaway dog, Bailey, not only turned up at her old shelter but rang the doorbell to get inside!

Bailey lived at the Animal Rescue League of El Paso in Texas before she was adopted by a family that lived 10 miles away.

Sadly, shortly after she was adopted, Baiely darted from her new family and escaped. The rescue put out a plea on Facebook asking anyone who spotted Bailey to call about it.

According to Today, “Bailey went missing after getting ‘spooked’ while her owner attempted to fit her into a proper harness.” Onlookers attempted to chase her down, but it only scared her further.

Miraculously, Bailey knew just where to go for help: her old shelter, the Animal Rescue League of El Paso.

The rescue shared on Facebook:

“Bailey made her own way back to ARL, and rang our ring doorbell at 1:15am saying she wanted in. Staff rushed to the shelter and put Bailey in her run.”

They added in the comments, “She lived at the shelter for soooo long this was home to her. She felt safe here. When she got loose she was on a mission to get home.”

According to Today, Bailey was returned to her adoptive family who is taking extra precautions to keep her safe and accounted for.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog