Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-friendly-feral/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I work at a restaurant built into the side of a mountain. One day when I came to work, there was a frail tuxedo cat walking along the mountainside. We started to see him regularly, and we all decided to call him Oreo. He was there every day roaming and sleeping in the dirt. I started feeding him and even got in trouble with my managers for it, but I didn’t care. Something drew me to this cat.

friendlyferal2 - Restaurant Worker Gets in Trouble for Feeding Feral Cat, Keeps Trying to Help Anyway

I live in a desert area and knew this kitty wasn’t going to make it through the 120-degree weather of the summer. I had no idea how to get him because he wouldn’t let anyone near him. I set up my cat carrier with food and hid behind chairs and tables for hours trying to lock him into the carrier. Knowing what I know now about TNR, this might seem funny to picture, but it happened.

After having no success, I called Animal Samaritans and found out I could rent a trap. Within minutes of setting it up, this hungry boy was caught. I took him to be neutered and brought him home. I was determined to make him love me and gave him all the space he needed until one day, about a month after I rescued him, he came and laid on my pillow next to me. I think I teared up with excitement. I know every feral cat is different, but he was the most loving cat in the whole world once he trusted humans. I truly feel he knew we saved his life.

friendlyferal1 - Restaurant Worker Gets in Trouble for Feeding Feral Cat, Keeps Trying to Help Anyway

After only eight short months of being in our family, he got very ill and we discovered his FIV was taking over. He passed away. I feel we were there to give him the best ending he could’ve had, and he enjoyed every minute of being a house cat. I since have become part of TNR and fostering. I am a full blown cat lady now and I love it! He taught me so much and his love gets paid forward every day.

Story submitted by Theresa McBride from La Quinta, California.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog