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We all know how important temperature is when it comes to pet care. If it’s too cold or too hot it can spell disaster for our animals.

That is why pet owners are always being encouraged during extreme temperatures to keep an eye on their pets and not forget about their pets. But what happens to stray animals when they don’t have anyone to look out for them on a hot summer’s day or a cold winter’s night?

Sadly, there are many stories that don’t have happy endings for stray animals.

new landscape 2021 08 28T190006.571 - Rescuers Save Mama And Puppies Living At The Dump
Photo: Pixabay/chelovekpoddojdem

For one nursing dog and her puppies, things were looking a little bleak on a very warm summer day. Temperatures had reached over 90 degrees F in the city of St. Louis when rescuers from Stray Rescue of St. Louis received a call to action. The little canine family had been spotted hanging around the waste area of Midwest Waste in St. Louis.

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Immediately, the rescuers jumped into action and made their way over to the dumpsite to rescue the family, but it wasn’t easy at first.

new landscape 2021 08 28T190157.515 - Rescuers Save Mama And Puppies Living At The Dump
Photo: YouTube/Stray Rescue of St.Louis Official

The terrified mother dog had hidden herself and her puppies away from the approaching humans. After the group searched around and went through the bushes, they finally found the mama dog cowering in a corner of the yard.

They took her in and quickly began to look for the rest of her litter.

new landscape 2021 08 28T190253.531 - Rescuers Save Mama And Puppies Living At The Dump
Photo: YouTube/Stray Rescue of St.Louis Official

new landscape 2021 08 28T190322.606 - Rescuers Save Mama And Puppies Living At The Dump
Photo: YouTube/Stray Rescue of St.Louis Official
new landscape 2021 08 28T190418.549 - Rescuers Save Mama And Puppies Living At The Dump
Photo: YouTube/Stray Rescue of St.Louis Official

At first, it was presumed that she only had three puppies because that was all they could find. But a little more time combing over the land to make sure, revealed that there were actually six puppies in total!

The rescue posted to Facebook, including a video of the little family.

Here are some pictures of the sweet family we rescued. @Sauce on the Side stopped by with food for our staff because it…

Posted by Stray Rescue of St. Louis on Saturday, August 14, 2021

Many people commentated on the video, with one person commenting, “Mama did such a good job considering the conditions where this little family was living…and the terrible heat/humidity. They’re all so stinkin’ cute..little chonkies. Hope everyone including Mama finds a loving home.”

So glad this adorable little family was rescued in time before things could get worse.

Watch their story in the clip below:

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What do you think of their harrowing ordeal? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog