Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescued-dog-gets-job/

When we first wrote about Ethan, the dying dog had been dumped in a Kentucky parking lot, so emaciated and weak he could barely lift his head. Thankfully, Ethan was rescued by the Kentucky Humane Society, which nursed the starving dog back to health and found him a loving home.

Now Ethan’s new life continues to move in new and exciting directions. According to Busch, Ethan has become the brand’s new dog beer taster — a gig that would cause any dog to drool with envy.

ethan taster 1000x1000 - Rescued Dog Overcomes Rough Past To Become Brand’s Top Dog Brew Taster
Photo: Facebook/Busch

“We reviewed many great candidates for Chief Tasting Officer, but we’ve finally found our top dog,” the company wrote on Facebook, nothing that Ethan had a “fur-ific” resume and inspiring story.

“Ethan was found abandoned and fighting for his life in the Kentucky Humane Society parking lot, but beat all odds to become the healthy, good boy he is today,” Ethan’s new employer continued. “Ethan is known for inspiring those in his local community and will continue to inspire more as our official Dog Brew Chief Tasting Officer.”

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Facebook was clearly delighted by the company’s choice, with many people applauding Busch for selecting a rescued dog for the job.

“Thank you so much for making this amazing boy your spokesdog!” someone who’d been following Ethan’s story commented. “By choosing him and sharing his story you will help bring awareness and hope for the other animals in similar situations.”

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Ethan was starving when rescuers first found him. Photo: Facebook/Kentucky Humane Society

“Congratulations Ethan and family!” another Facebook user agreed. “I’m crying happy tears for you!! You’ve come so far and are still such a great inspiration!!

Of course, nobody was happier for Ethan than his new family, which noted the dog’s amazing progress from starving, unwanted pup to national “spokesdog” for a major brand. This would be a dream job for any dog but it felt especially poignant given Ethan’s heartbreaking backstory.

ethan dog beer 1000x1000 - Rescued Dog Overcomes Rough Past To Become Brand’s Top Dog Brew Taster
Photo: Facebook/Busch

“Take a moment, please, and think about how far our Ethan has come in such a short time,” Ethan’s family wrote on Facebook. “In less than 4 months, he has come from being someone’s burden, someone’s afterthought, and not only survived but thrived and is now being recognized on a national level.”

Congratulations, Ethan! Hopefully, this pup’s inspiring story will encourage more people to give rescued dogs a second chance. Adopt don’t shop!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog