Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/ralphie-french-bulldog-adopted/

French bulldogs are in high demand, and they can sell for a lot of money. They’re so popular as a breed that they’re even stolen at alarming rates as people do whatever it takes to get their hands on one.

With that in mind, you’d think a French bulldog at an animal shelter wouldn’t have problems finding a home, but Ralphee the Frenchie proved challenging to place.

1200x628 template 4 2023 03 27T171312.389 - Ralphie The “Whole Jerk Demon Dog” Finds A Family Willing To Adopt Him
Photo: Pexels/Pixabay

Ralphie was surrendered to the Niagara ASPCA in western New York after going through two different homes.

The shelter shared about Ralphie in a half-serious Facebook post, writing: “Sometimes we can sugar coat the less than desirable traits like- prefers to be an only child. This one stumps us though. We don’t actually have too many nice things to say so we’re just going to come out with it.”

They went on to say, “Meet Ralphie. At first glance, he’s an adorable highly sought after, young dog. People should be banging down our doors for him. We promise you, that won’t be the case. Ralphie is a terror in a somewhat small package. What could go wrong with a 26lb dog, right? We’re sure you’re thinking: my ankles will be just fine. We’d caution- proceed at your own risk.”

They continued, explaining that Ralphie’s first owners rehomed him when he got too bosy. They said, “Our best guess is that Ralphie’s cute face got him whatever he wanted and boundaries are something he heard people talk about, but they didn’t apply to him. His first owners took him to board and train, but their relationship was built on the premise that Ralphie was the boss so things ended abruptly. He was rehomed.”

Unfortunately, he only lasted two weeks in his new home before he was surrendered. The shelter said, “He was surrendered to us because ‘annoys our older dog.’ What they actually meant was: Ralphie is a fire-breathing demon and will eat our dog, but hey, he’s only 26lbs.”

While many shelters would try to sell a hard-to-place dog, the Niagra ASPCA was straightforward. They said, “He’s a whole jerk- not even half.”

The shelter said they’re looking for serious adopters only, and that “the ideal home for Ralphie is the Mother of Dragons, or an adult home free of other animals, with an owner who will lead him calmly and sternly- putting up with zero crap.”

While that might sound like a lot to deal with, the shelter was pleased to update everyone by sharing that Ralphie was placed into training in an attempt to make him a proper gentleman.

Thanks to Niagara SPCA’s Facebook posts, Ralphie gained some internet fame and it wasn’t long before applications and inquiries for the dog started pouring in.

Just two months after sharing the first post about Ralphie, the rescue was pleased to share: “After reviewing 700+ emails, speaking with several dozen potential adopters and sending applicants on to Ralphie’s trainer to review, we found who we believe is Ralphie’s perfect adopter.”

The SPCA said that Ralphie’s adopter, Jason, successfully rescued two other dogs with bite histories. The rescue said, “We wish our tiny, reformed terror all the best and we look forward to hearing about all of his adventures.”

Since settling into his new home in Tennesse, Ralphie has already met his doggy siblings and started daily adventures that include hikes, bagel runs, and agility training! Check out some of the pictures and videos below:

If you’d like to keep up with Ralphie in his new life, you can follow him on Instagram or Facebook!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog