Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-delta/

The following story was submitted in the Pawsitively Picture Perfect photo contest. The top three finishers received $500 in cash, as well as $2,000 in cash and supplies for their favorite shelter. To read more stories, click here!

Delta was born into this world missing some toes on his right side, both front and back. To make it more interesting, he even had a cleft palate.

delta1 - Pup with a Cleft Palate and Missing Toes Barely Notices His Differences

In the beginning, this caused a couple of challenges. With the surgeries he underwent to correct this, Delta never looked back, though he kept that cute little lip smile.


With the difference in his paws, he never lets it bother him. One would never know it when he is running around the yard chasing after his favorite toys.

delta2 - Pup with a Cleft Palate and Missing Toes Barely Notices His Differences

It was barely even noticeable when he would be walking and sniffing around the yard, or jumping up on the sofa to secure his window view to observe all the activities outside his home. Another fun fact is, Delta might have been the runt of his litter, but he rules the roost and he outgrew his dad.

Delta also enjoys being a huge snuggle monster, while being a fearless protector. Belgian Malinois are not for everyone, and he is no exception. With guidance over the years, he grew into an awesome pup.

delta3 - Pup with a Cleft Palate and Missing Toes Barely Notices His Differences

This story was submitted by Sheilah Graham in support of American Belgian Malinois Rescue. To read other stories from the Pawsitively Picture Perfect photo contest, click here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog