Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/halloween-photoshoot-cats/

Including pets in family photos is something a lot of pet parents enjoy, but some people take things further than others.

Just take Reddit user u/ekimrt, for example. He creates elaborate portraits each year featuring his cats and it’s so detailed! He shared the photos on Reddit, with the caption: “Every Halloween my girlfriend and I take a themed portrait with our cats. Here are all the portraits so far. (OC)”

In the first photo from 2019, you can see the couple dressed as the Addams Family, with the two cats being Wednesday Addams and Pugsley Addams.

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Photo: Reddit/u/ekimrt

The next year in 2020, Halloween festivities may have been canceled for most people, but that didn’t stop them from doing their family photoshoot.

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Photo: Reddit/u/ekimrt

In 2021, the couple took on the Corpse Bride, with the man dressing as Victor Van Dort and the woman as Emily. As for the cats, they took side characters as a spider and bird.

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Photo: Reddit/u/ekimrt

For the latest Halloween photoshoot, the couple and their cats posed as characters from the 1992 hit, Batman Returns.

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Photo: Reddit/u/ekimrt

Since sharing the photos, many people were curious about how they crafted such detailed photoshoots!

U/ekimrt explained that it takes a lot of photoshop skills and editing to create the details. He said, “I create the backgrounds from dozens of photos composited together in Photoshop. For example, the Beetlejuice background took about 20 working hours to create.”

He even shared photos before they were edited so you can see the full transformation:

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Photo: imgur
1200x628 template 4 2022 11 05T115026.461 - Pet Parents Host Elaborate Halloween Photoshoot Each Year Featuring Their Cats
Photo: imgur
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Photo: imgur
1200x628 template 4 2022 11 05T115041.707 - Pet Parents Host Elaborate Halloween Photoshoot Each Year Featuring Their Cats
Photo: imgur

The unedited photos really show up much work goes into creating each masterpiece.

It’ll be interesting to see what they come up with next year!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog