Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/100-year-old-dog-grave-sticks/

image - People Enjoy Leaving Sticks At This 100-Year-Old Dog’s Gravesite

There is the grave of a dog found in Green-Woods Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York. The owner of that pet, Jon E. Stow, lived in the 1800s and was one of the fruit merchants that made his living in the city. He was also a man who loved his dog, Rex, very much.

There may be many people buried in that cemetery, but there is a special tombstone that is hidden among all the others. It may be somewhat hidden, but it is the grave of Rex, and people visit it on a regular basis.

You can see a bronze statue of Rex on top of the stone platform and the dog’s name is engraved on it. He is sitting in front of the burial site of his owner, guarding his grave near the corner of Greenbough and Sycamore Avenues.

The grave has been there for over a century. We recognize that dogs love their owner and will stick by their side, but this is really a testament to just how far a dog is willing to go. People continue to visit the grave to leave sticks either behind or in front of the dog. It’s an amazing tribute.

Rex has also entered the electronic age, with people leaving messages on Twitter about him.

“People bring him sticks and place them at his feet because he is still a good boy,” one user wrote.

You can see in the picture posted on Twitter that Rex has a large pile of sticks, twigs, and branches for him to play with. I’m sure the dog would’ve been happy with so much attention when he was alive.

The communications manager for the cemetery, Stacy Locke, spoke to The Dodo, saying: “When it comes to Rex, he obviously stands out. People see him from the road – it’s sort of a prominent spot, right off of the intersection of two roads here.”

They also feel that it is appropriate for Rex to have those sticks because there are plenty of sticks around and the grave is under a tree.

Locke sums things up nicely when she says, “People will drop a stick across his little paws. Someone also left a picture of a dog there once, maybe their little pet who passed away, as to say, ‘Rex, look after my little one.’”

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog