Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/horses-evacuated-feldman-ecopark/

image - Over 50 Horses and Ponies Evacuated From Ukrainian Park, Just in Time

Russian forces continue to attack the area around Feldman Ecopark in Ukraine. Rescuers have been tirelessly working for weeks to evacuate thousands of animals from the park and won’t stop until they are all safe.

30 horses and 22 ponies were some of the recent evacuees who escaped just in time.

The ponies were loaded into the back of a cargo van and transported to a safe location. See how calm they are with their rescuers in the video below.

English belowСпасательная операция в Фельдман Экопарк продолжается, если позволяет ситуация – то и по несколько ходок в день. Наконец, дошла очередь и до этих симпатяг – любимцев малышей. Наши пони теперь тоже в безопасности! Благодаря поддержке наших друзей и смелости волонтеров-спасателей большинство животных уже эвакуированы из Экопарка, но до достижения нашей цели – вывезти всех животных – еще придется поработать. Помочь нам в этом можно, направляя пожертвования по этим реквизитам: feldman-ecopark.com/donation/The rescue operation in Feldman Ecopark continues. If the situation allows, sometimes we even do several rides a day. Finally, the time has come to save these handsome guys – the favorites of kids. Our ponies are now safe too! Thanks to the support of our friends and the courage of rescue volunteers, most of the animals have already been evacuated from the Ecopark, but there is still work to be done to achieve our goal of evacuating all the animals. You can help us with this by sending donations to these details: feldman-ecopark.com/en/donation/

Posted by Фельдман Экопарк on Saturday, April 16, 2022

The park posted that shortly after they were evacuated the stables were destroyed by Russian bombs. “This is a barn of our Horse Complex, which was built not so long ago. Fortunately, all its inhabitants – horses of different breeds – were evacuated in time, they are safe. Only the infrastructure of the Horse Complex was seriously damaged. It is sad, since so much effort and funds had been invested in it, but this can be fixed – after the Victory we will definitely rebuild everything and make it even better!”

English belowОчередной «стратегический военный объект» Фельдман Экопарк, «демилитаризированный» захватчиками. Это конюшня нашего Конного комплекса, которая была построена не так давно. К счастью, всех ее обитателей – лошадей разных пород – вовремя успели эвакуировать, они в безопасности. Серьезно пострадала только инфраструктура Конного комплекса. За вложенные в нее силы и средства также очень обидно, но это поправимо – после Победы мы обязательно все отстроим и сделаем еще лучше!Another “strategic military facility” in Feldman Ecopark was “demilitarized” by the invaders. This is a barn of our Horse Complex, which was built not so long ago. Fortunately, all its inhabitants – horses of different breeds – were evacuated in time, they are safe. Only the infrastructure of the Horse Complex was seriously damaged. It is sad, since so much effort and funds had been invested in it, but this can be fixed – after the Victory we will definitely rebuild everything and make it even better!

Posted by Фельдман Экопарк on Thursday, April 21, 2022

All the horses are safe and adjusting to their new surroundings. Over 5,000 animals have been rescued and courageous individuals return daily amid the intense shelling to care for the remaining animals.

“We have already done a big thing together with our many friends. Representatives of distant continents – Australian kangaroos, African lions, Madagascar lemurs, South American jaguars, Asian, African, American monkeys and many more are already safe. But we will continue until the last piglets and goats leave the dangerous territory – because we are responsible for them,” stated the park.

Sadly, six brave team members have been killed since the war began as they were trying to save the animals.

The park shared the most recent attack occurred when staff members and volunteers were attempting to evacuate the buffaloes. “Today, May 5, during the evacuation of buffaloes from Feldman Ecopark, a team of our employees and volunteers were attacked. One person is dead. Two people were seriously injured. Doctors are fighting for their lives. The deceased guy was only 15 years old. He helped the parents feed and evacuate the animals. In loving memory of a hero! This is the sixth victim of our team,” the park posted.

These people continue to risk their lives to save animals and are true heroes. Our hearts go out to the family and friends of the victims.

Follow Feldman Ecopark on Facebook for more updates on rescued animals and learn how you can help.

Join us in helping to feed and care Ukrainians and animals by donating here.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog