Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/giving-tuesday-animal-wishlist/

Giving Tuesday celebrates generously giving back after spending like crazy on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Marking its 10-year anniversary, the annual day of giving began in 2012 as a way to honor the value of generosity, Asha Curran told USA TODAY. Curran, who is the CEO of Giving Tuesday, went on to say, “There’s not a person or community in the entire world where generosity is not important.” And she’s right. Since its inception, the movement is officially celebrated or observed in countries all across the globe.

“In the very beginning, we acknowledged there are two days that are tremendously powerful for the retail sector and for-profit businesses,” Curran added. “This was just an interesting counter-narrative to challenge ourselves to think about the importance of giving back to nonprofit organizations, causes we care about, and to each other.”

shelter gee23d173a 1280 - On Giving Tuesday Find an Animal in Need and Donate to their Wishlist
Photo: Pixabay/jwvein

Giving Back

If you recognize the fact that in many ways you truly are blessed, one way you can give back or pay it forward is by helping animals in need. But where does one begin? The first place you can start is by supporting the local shelters or rescues in your area. These nonprofits require far more assistance than the public is aware of. Another option is to help an animal in need by donating to its wishlist. Either way, you’re supporting the work of a rescue or shelter.


One place you can check out is CUDDLY.com. CUDDLY’s mission is to help give all animals a healthy life and a loving home. Founded by NFL referee John Hussey, he got the idea back in late 2013, and he’s never looked back. Since that time, the fundraising and wishlist platform has helped thousands of animals and facilitated the donation of tens of thousands of dollars in supplies.

shelter cat g89b0f9104 1280 - On Giving Tuesday Find an Animal in Need and Donate to their Wishlist
Photo: Pixabay/Mimzy

How CUDDLY Works

As an individual who desires to help, all you have to do is find an animal in need and donate to their wishlist. To get started, click on the platform’s Animal Wishlists tab. As soon as you do, a list of pets in dire straits will automatically pop up. Next to the animal’s picture you’ll see information on the number of items still needed to assist them and the dollar amount of donations still needed. From there, all you have to do is click on Donate Now.

Becoming a Pet Hero

Or, if you prefer, you can become a pet hero to other animals they’re trying to assist by using filters to perform a search. They include Species, Breed, Age, or Gender. You can also sort the results by Animal, Shelter, or Location. It’s really simple to use and you’ll be making a difference in the life of a pet that dearly needs it. If you can afford it, you also have the option of donating on a monthly basis.

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Photo: Pixabay/geralt

Season of Giving

For yet another option that ties into the season of giving, visit GreaterGood’s The Animal Rescue Site Store, where each of your purchases feeds shelter animals. This assists shelters and ensures that pets that have found their way there will have enough to eat regardless of the time of year. How good would it feel to know that each gift you bought in the lead-up to Christmas was actually making a difference or that you could shop any time of year and help?

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog