10 Dog Breeds That Live The Longest
We do what we can to provide a happy and healthy life for our pet dogs. After all, we want them to be with us for a very long time. It turns out, there is something you can do that may help your pet to live longer; choosing the breed of dog that lives the longest. The 10 dog breeds in the list below have the longest lifespans on average. Although there are some larger dogs in the mix, most of the dogs are smaller because they tend to live the longest. These are average numbers, so just keep that in mind. New Guinea Singing Dog – 18-year...
Pit Bull Puppy Takes Her First Bath In The Sink
The world seems to be split into two groups of people: cat people, and dog people. It really doesn’t matter if you love cats or not, however, you have to admit that puppies are absolutely adorable. That is especially true when they are in a situation that is extra special, including getting their first bath. If you haven’t been in on this type of situation in a while, then this video is for you. It involves a seven-week-old pitbull puppy named Lucy. Photo: YouTube / Rumble Viral When she was brought home after being adopted, the...
Stray Dogs Stay Cool During Heatwave By Hanging Out Inside Of A Bank
Many areas of the United States were preparing for cold weather in October 2020, but in Uba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, a heatwave was underway. In fact, they were experiencing record temperatures of 104° for five days in a row! A man was visiting the bank when he saw some dogs hanging out on the floor near the ATM machine. It actually wasn’t the first time he had seen them, he had gone the day before and met “the X agent and his friend” and now he was back to take the video. Photo: YouTube/ViralHog At first, it may seem as...
Rescuers Are Using Mayo To Save Turtles Covered In Tar
The Israel oil spill that happened in February 2021 has had far-reaching impacts on our planet. Those who volunteer to help clean up the 100 miles of coastline are being harmed due to fumes and that isn’t even to mention the animals that are suffering in untold ways. Although the fight to get things cleaned up is not an easy one, thousands of people have volunteered from the local area. They are doing their part to help the environment, including helping endangered sea turtles in a most unexpected way. They are feeding the turtles...
Watch As Hundreds Of Dolphins Swim Together In A ‘Superpod’
If we go to the ocean, it’s always going to be a good day. We stand with our feet in the water and watch the sunrise or sunset, or perhaps we just marvel at the beauty in front of us. Every day is a good day at the beach, but if we manage to see a dolphin, it is a day worth remembering. Back in 2018, beachgoers near Monterey, California were treated to a site that very few people have ever seen. It was a “superpod” of hundreds of dolphins that were swimming just off the coast. The onlookers were able to take videos, so all...
Someone Posted An Obituary In Their Local Paper For Their Pet Chicken
When we have an animal in our household, they are more than a pet, they are a member of the family. Perhaps our minds will first go to a dog or a cat when we think about household pets, but that is only if you’ve never had a chicken. Quite honestly, chickens are amazing birds and they have personalities that rival those of any standard family pet. They are beloved by any family who has one in their home, including this family in Texas. When their 6-month-old Rhode Island Red named Big Mama died, they decided to pull out all the stops...
Dachshund Keeps Himself Entertained With An Automatic Ball Throwing Machine
If you have a dog that loves playing fetch, you realize that it can be a never-ending day of throwing the ball and getting it back again. Jerry the Dachshund is just such a dog, so his human took the next logical step and built him a fetch machine. The man behind this ingenious machine decided to post a video on YouTube, saying that he built the machine because he knew Jerry would love it and it was something fun to build. Photo: YouTube/lamgngo As it turns out, it was a project that took quite some time to complete. Jerry’s dad even...
Puppy Gets Sweet Relief And Shows Some Love To Her Rescuer
It’s always sad when we hear about a dog that was abandoned or mistreated. We may hear about these things occasionally, but for rescuers at the Stray Rescue of St. Louis, these stories are a regular occurrence. Back in October, the rescue received a phone call from someone who was concerned about a puppy hiding in a junk pile. Neighbors in the area would pile up their junk and anything they didn’t want, and the puppy was using it as a home base. Unfortunately, somebody discarded this little puppy as unwanted. Photo: Facebook/Stray...
Little Dog Gets The Most Amazing Sled Ride From His BFF
There is something about watching young children playing with the dogs they love. It’s a relationship that builds up very quickly and is one that will last for a lifetime. Of course, it helps if there is some snow on the ground and a sled is involved. That is exactly what we saw when Andrei, a 12-year-old boy from Romania, decided to take his dog out for a sled ride. Photo: Facebook/Alin Si Gina Abrudan Most people would probably be appalled if they saw a young puppy pulling a little boy on a sled. On the other hand, watching this...
Farm Dog Cuddles Newborn Calf To Keep Warm During Freezing Winter Cold
You can get through anything if you have a friend by your side. When we’re hit by hard times, it’s natural to lean on those around us. One pair of furry friends proved this is true in the animal kingdom as well when they cuddled up next to each other to keep warm during a frigid winter storm in Goodeve, Saskatchewan. Temperatures reached as low as -58 degrees Fahrenheit (-50 degrees Celsius) on a very busy night for rancher Bonnie Potoroka. At her barn, a pregnant heifer named Summer was about to give birth! While the timing...
Dog Spends A Week In The ‘Cone of Shame’ But Has The Last Laugh
When we own a dog, we want to do what we can to care for them in every way possible. We feed them, give them plenty of TLC and provide them with a warm place to sleep. At the same time, however, we realize that there are going to be times when some ‘tough love’ is necessary. That sometimes comes in the form of the cone of shame. When our dog has a hotspot or perhaps has had an operation and needs time to heal, the cone of shame is often used to keep them from further irritating the area. It’s a necessary evil, but it’s...
How One South Texas Shelter is Doing the Most with the Least
Feb 26, 2021 Austin Pets Alive! is serving as the headquarters for statewide response to the recent winter storms, which left thousands of pets at risk of euthanasia and in need of immediate help. We’re working with dozens of organizations across the country to get animals to safety through transports outside of Texas. Many Texas shelters face a severe lack of resources to help the animals in their care. Damages from Winter Storm Uri have caused these shelters to pivot some of those resources from animal care into facility repairs,...
Firefighters Save Turtles From Fire Using Tiny Oxygen Masks
Being a firefighter means being prepared for all sorts of scenarios. Luckily for several turtles and tortoises, this meant they were in good hands when firefighters responded to a house fire. The first responders were fortunate enough to come equipped for what they were about to find. There was a shed in Medina, Ohio which caught fire. Its residents, several turtles and tortoises, were trapped inside. The Medina Fire Department was the one to respond to the emergency, and firefighters rushed to the scene to try and save as many of the...
A Rare White Bison Has Been Spotted In The Ozark Mountains
Earlier this year, the Dogwood Canyon Nature Park was pleased to welcome a rare white bison to its herd of 25. The white bison was named Takoda, which means “friend to everyone” in Sioux. Takoda was actually born on a private ranch before making his journey to the Dogwood Canyon Nature Park and settling in with his new herd. White bison were once extremely rare, though they’re slowly growing in numbers. According to Prevention, the director of wildlife at Dogwood Canyon, Jeremy Hinkle, said that a white bison’s birth...
Elk Saves Drowning Marmot From His Water Trough
An elk at the Pocatello Zoo in Pocatello, Idaho ended up being a hero when he saved the life of a drowning marmot. Zookeepers noticed Shooter, the elk, acting strange and went to investigate. They watched, confused, as he pawed at his water trough and refused to walk away. They suspected he was going to climb into the trough to play in the water, but what he did was even more surprising. After 15 minutes of staring at his water trough and pawing at the water, Shooter bent his head into the water and lifted out a Marmot. Photo: YouTube /tuncay...
How To Prevent Your Dog From Being Stolen
It can be hard to imagine anything happening to your fur baby, and that may be something you try to avoid thinking about. However, with dog nappings on the rise, it’s more important than ever to be aware of what you can do to prevent your dog from being stolen. According to the PetFBI, around 2 million pets are stolen each year in the United States alone. Unfortunately, pet theft can happen to anyone, anywhere. It’s definitely not confined to “bad” neighborhoods or cities. Recently, Lady Gaga had two of her dogs stolen...
French Bulldogs Are Being Stolen At An Alarming Rate
French Bulldogs have become an increasingly popular breed of dog. Unfortunately, due to their popularity, this breed of dog can sell for thousands of dollars. As such, they’re becoming a target of crime, theft, and violent attacks at an alarming rate. Recently, celebrity Lady Gaga experienced such a tragedy and brought the issue to the public’s attention. According to Yahoo!, her dog walker and friend, Ryan Fischer, was taking her three French Bulldogs for a walk in Hollywood when two men jumped out of a car and demanded he hand...
From Feral To Forever Home
This story was originally shared TheAnimalRescueSite.GreaterGood.com. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! We had lost our black cat, Inky, to kidney disease in 2003 and years later I made a casual remark to my husband that we needed another black cat because they bring good luck. PHOTO: Jeanie Purcell When we traveled to my hometown to settle my mother’s estate, we stayed at a B&B where the owner was doing her best to keep a large population of feral cats fed. They had...
Meet Shasta: Mt. Bachelor’s Newest Avalanche Rescue Dog
A 10-week-old golden retriever puppy named Shasta was just announced as the newest member to Mt. Bachelor’s avalanche rescue team. Mt. Bachelor, located in central Oregon, is one of the largest ski resorts in the U.S. with an elevation of 9,065 feet, 360-degree views from its summit, and a vertical drop of 3,365 feet. The adorable puppy is getting familiar with the mountain and ski resort, while greeting skiers and snowboarders. She is currently traveling with her Ski Patrol handler, Drew Clendenen, by snowmobile but will soon learn to...
10,000-Year-Old Bone Fragment From Ancient Dog Sheds Light On Shared History With Humans
Humans and our dogs share everything — our homes, our time, sometimes even our food! What many don’t realize, however, is that we share something much more powerful — our history. When tracking the history of humans, researchers find time and time again, dogs by our side. New research from the University at Buffalo confirms not only this ancient link but also provides more information about how both humans and dogs arrived in the Americas more than 10,000 years ago. The team, led by evolutionary biologist Dr. Charlotte...