Animals Left Without Homes After Wildfires Blaze Through Colorado

Wildfires in Boulder County, Colorado destroyed more than 500 homes and several businesses by the final days of 2021 leaving many people and animals homeless. Sparked by downed power lines and whipped into a frenzy by by 105-mph winds, these fires are the most destructive in Colorado’s history, 9News reports. Source: Facebook / Alyssa ValdezHundreds of homes were destroyed by fire in Boulder County, Colorado. The fires have impacted at least 1,600 acres of mostly-urban areas of Boulder County the Coloradoan reports. Residents of...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Dog Saves Her Family From A Bear Attack

Dogs are incredible for so many reasons. One that has always resonated with me is that they give us their entire lives, while only being present for part of ours. Still, deep bonds can be made during that time. To get to the heart of the matter, one Reddit poster asked their fellow users an interesting hypothetical: “Would you cut of 5 years of your own life and give these to your dog? If so, why?” PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS / Rinyknapen U/Experimentality had a worthy answer, detailing a time where his 15-year-old pup Daisy, an...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

This Bernese Mountain Dog And Hamster Took Their Time Becoming Friends

Sometimes, friendships are instant — a spark that just lights between two people (or animals!). Other times, these relationships take time to grow. First impressions aren’t everything, after all! Still, one first meeting between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a friend’s pet hamster is making the rounds because it is just so funny. Clearly, this pup is not excited about meeting a new furry friend! Photo: flickr/StooMathiesen In the video, the pup (named San) moves his face away from the hamster, trying to dodge eye contact and...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Watch This Cute Pet Rat Get Woken From A Nap By An Almond Treat

We all know the saying “let sleeping dogs lie,” but what about rats? Well, fortunately, we have the answer now thanks to an adorable video. Posted to the YouTube channel Shadow The Rat, the video is just one of many from animal lover Esther, who runs the channel that teaches care for small creatures and pets as well as cute moments in their lives. Photo: Max Pixel In the clip, Esther shows her rescue rat, Bean, asleep in a tissue box. Nothing seems to wake her, not even direct pokes and noise! But, the moment that a delicious...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

3 Little Pigs Were Stuck In A Flood But Help Was On The Way

When we think about three little pigs, our thoughts automatically go to the fairytale where they are being chased by the big bad wolf. They hide in their homes and are more than happy to be safe and sound, especially when they get to the brick house. Things don’t always work out quite so nicely for pigs in the real world but in Norfolk, Virginia, there is a group of pigs that managed to survive the worst. Photo: Pixabay/Igor Schubin It seems as if the pigs were being visited on a regular basis by PETA so they could get clean straw and...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Dogs Spend 18 Months Apart And Are Excited To See Each Other Again

Most of us have missed out on at least a little face-to-face time with our friends due to the pandemic. It seems as if we aren’t the only ones, and even our dogs may have missed out on an opportunity as well. Buck and Trinity are two dogs that loved hanging out with each other. They would regularly go to a doggy daycare and boarding facility and play with each other for hours on end, like in the TikTok video below: @tarazapp This is Buck and Trinity in camp playing before we had to shut down because of Covid.#malamute #alaskanmalamute...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Watch The Dog Food Commercial From 1981 That Starred Tom Waits

There are some people who are known for their distinctive voice and it becomes a trademark. Included in that list of individuals are many heavy hitters, such as Morgan Freeman and Samuel L Jackson. One singer who is known for his gravelly voice is Tom Waits. He is primarily known because of his jazz and blues music but in 1981, he decided to do something different and did the voiceover for a dog food commercial. Photo: Wikimedia Commons The Butchers Blend dog food commercial was made a little better, thanks to his unique vocals. It is...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Parrot Repeats Tweety Bird’s Line When He Sees A “Puddy Tat”

I’m not much of a bird person. My aunt had a cockatiel bird that used to scare me whenever I visited. Apparently, the bird liked me, but the feeling wasn’t mutual. I don’t know why, I just don’t like birds as pets. They seem a little shifty. But, there is no denying that they can be pretty clever and it’s cool to see some of the neat tricks they can be taught. Like parrots – for example – can be taught to speak. Years ago, we had a neighbor on the other side of the alley who had a parrot. We’re...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Adopted Dog Knows He’s Getting A Forever Home And He Can’t Contain His Excitement

Adoption is such a rewarding thing that someone can do for a homeless animal. Not only are you saving a life, but you’re getting a new best friend all in the same process. I remember the day that we brought home our family dog from the animal shelter. She was a scrawny little black cockapoo mix who was so happy she wouldn’t stop whining with excitement. That was over twenty years ago now, but it was such a great day. It was clear that she knew what was happening and that she was getting a forever home. Photo: Pixabay/stefanom1974...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Dog Lost For Weeks Reunites With Family At The Shelter

Sometimes, accidents happen. As pet owners, we’ve probably all had close calls where we almost lost our pets to an open door or garden fence. Some of us might have even had to face the real devastation of losing a pet. It can be a very scary moment when you realize that your beloved pet isn’t inside your home anymore. The first thing that you worry about is their safety. Many of us live in areas that see lots of road traffic, and the last thing that you want is to end up finding out that your pet has gotten hit by a car. Plus,...

    Posted On: Dec 31, 2021 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

5 Basic Ways to Transform Your Pet’s Health in 2022

A new year is right around the corner! While the last couple of years have been unpredictable and unprecedented, there are ways that we can plan and execute simple changes to our lifestyles and behavior that will improve our pet’s health. Dr. Aziza shares a few suggestions that would be a great addition to any new year’s resolution list. Get into an exercise routine One of the top diseases affecting our pets is obesity. This is a serious issue due to the secondary health concerns that develop from, contribute to, or are...

    Posted On: Dec 30, 2021 | Category: Freshpet InformationView Details

Woman Rescues Malnourished Dog Chained to a Tree Without Food or Water

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! I was helping my niece paint a place she was moving into, and the tenants at that time had not yet moved out. A small, skinny dog was chained to a tree on the property. For three days, I watched as that dog begged to be noticed. I am not a dog person. Yet, I simply had to go say hi to her. She was dusty and dirty. It was 90 degrees that week. DOG. PHOTO: ADOBE STOCK/TANYA The thing that...

    Posted On: Dec 29, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

5 News Year’s Resolutions Inspired By Pets

As the year comes to an end, most people take some time to reflect on the past year and make goals for the upcoming one. While exercising, losing weight, and eating better usually top the majority of lists, we have come up with some resolutions inspired by our furry companions (ones that you will actually want to follow through on). Plus, several involve your dog or cat. New Year’s Resolutions Drink more water. Photo: Pixabay/Sinawa Have you heard of the 8×8 rule? Health experts recommend adults drink eight 8-ounce glasses of...

    Posted On: Dec 29, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

America’s Animal Shelters are in Crisis. 6 Things You Need to Know

Just before Christmas, the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter in Texas announced they would be forced to reduce services and stop the non-emergency intake of pets through December 31. The reason? A new wave of COVID infections led to severe understaffing. There are simply not enough people to take in and care for the pets in the shelter.  On top of this crisis, the shelter has been at or above capacity for months, due to sluggish adoption numbers and more pets coming into the shelter—both impacts of the pandemic.  A...

    Posted On: Dec 29, 2021 | Category: Human Animal Support Services InformationView Details

Detroit Police Officers Rescue Malnourished Dog and Her Puppies From Abandoned Home

On the evening of December 26, the Detroit Police Department received a report of a “vicious dog” and went to investigate. But what they found was a malnourished pit bull who had recently given birth. Detroit Police officers, H. Kourani and G. Rogers, spotted the dog outside an abandoned home and slowly approached her. Posted by Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue on Sunday, December 26, 2021 They managed to earn her trust by feeding her tasty treats, which she quickly devoured. Once they established that they were there to help they...

    Posted On: Dec 29, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Ensuring Safe Placement vs. Placing Barriers In Adoption

Have you ever rehomed or surrendered a pet? That is a question many members within an animal welfare organization will know too well. And recently we met a family that faced difficulties adopting a pet because they entered ‘YES’ as the answer to that question, without the organizations inquiring on ‘WHY’ they had to make that decision with a former pet. Well, technically there were TWO organizations that asked why they had to rehome a former pet, however the first organization that asked continued to deny the family...

    Posted On: Dec 29, 2021 | Category: InformationView Details

Dogs Rescued From Different Situations Become BFFS In The Shelter

When two dogs from two different situations were brought together with the help of a rescue, they immediately hit things off and became good friends. It all started when Hope For Paws heard about a dog, Chester, who’d been living on the streets for at least a month. Rescuers JoAnn Wiltz and Alex Babcock immediately headed to the Southern California home that’d called them, and they were greeted by the friendly puppy! The person who’d called them said that they’d tried to take Chester in, but their other dogs...

    Posted On: Dec 29, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Horse Takes Herself On Walks Through Town Every Day After Owner Passes

For 15 years, a white Arabian horse named Jenny has been taking herself for long walks through town. The mare used to enjoy the walks with her owner, Werner Weischedel, but now she walks alone. According to a post by Keith Anderson, Weischedel became unable to ride Jenny around 15 years ago but the mare didn’t want to stop her daily walks through Frankfurt, Germany. Instead of keeping her contained in a stable, Weischedel allowed Jenny to go out through the gate – and the horse walked herself along their usual route and came back...

    Posted On: Dec 29, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Last Surviving Dog Rescued From Michael Vick’s Dogfighting Ring In 2007 Dies

At less than a year old, Frodo the pit bull faced a bleak future. He was one of nearly 70 dogs that were crammed into the “Bad Newz Kennels,” an illegal dogfighting ring in Virginia run by NFL superstar Michael Vick. There, dogs were forced to attack, repeatedly injuring and traumatizing each other until a federal investigation was able to not only stop the ring in its tracks but also lead to convictions against Vick and his co-defendants. Photo: Pixabay/Ria Now, nearly 15 years after that infamous bust in 2007, Frodo has passed...

    Posted On: Dec 29, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Watch These Cats That Love To Stick Their Faces In Humidifier Mist

Kittens love exploring the world around them and, in spite of the popular saying, that curiosity can be a good thing! Something the internet has noticed recently is how much their cats love messing around with humidifiers — there’s something about the plume of water vapor that they find incredibly interesting. Their reactions are, of course, adorable. Photo: Max Pixel Why do cats love it so much? For one, it seems like they know just how good it is for them! “Because cats groom themselves specifically to cool their bodies, a...

    Posted On: Dec 29, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details