Two Peas in a Pod: Ways Penny and I Are Exactly Alike
Hi, I’m Savanna! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my spunky Chihuahua mix, Penny. We’ve probably all heard of those human and dog look-alike contests, where other people and judges vote on which dog looks the most like their owners. I wouldn’t enter one of those contests with Penny, because honestly she and I don’t look anything like each other. But after owning Penny for a few years now, I think there are some ways that Penny acts like me. I don’t know if my personality has rubbed off on...
Decoding Your Dog’s Urine Color
As a dog parent, you’ve probably found yourself on poop patrol more times than you can count. But have you ever stopped to consider the color of their urine? Your dog’s pee can be a window into their health, offering valuable clues about hydration, diet, and potential medical issues. Let’s dive into the colorful world of canine urine and explore what different shades might mean for your four-legged companion. The Ideal Hue: Pale Yellow to Amber In a perfect world, your dog’s urine should be a pale yellow to amber...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Programs for the community, employee kudos and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. What a nationwide survey can tell us about building programs to keep dogs and their people togetherAn online survey of animal welfare organizations in the United States was done to learn about programs run by shelters and rescue organizations to explore the factors they believe contribute to canine relinquishment and help dog owners keep their pets. There were 111 responses included in the analysis of the survey. On Thursday, September 12,… Learn...
Sciatic Nerve Injury in Dogs: Vet-Explained Causes, Prevention & Treatments
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead The sciatic nerve is a large nerve in our legs and, similarly, is present in the canine hindlimb. You might be familiar with it, especially if you have experienced sciatica, which tends to give humans a lot of trouble. Sciatica causes nerve pain that shoots from your rear down your leg, which is the path of the sciatic nerve. Dogs can also have issues with the sciatic nerve. Typically, a sciatic...
Are Great Pyrenees Good With Kids & Families? Breed Temperament & FAQ
Click to Skip Ahead The Great Pyrenees is a classic dog of epic proportions. These massive canines are gentle but have quite a presence at the same time. They have a reputation for being nurturing, having a parental nature with their own kind and humans alike. So, if you’re wondering if the Great Pyrenees can make a great family dog—the answer is absolutely yes, in the right living situations. Like any other dog, certain factors make them compatible with your family. Great Pyrenees Are Wonderful Family Dogs The Great Pyrenees is...
How Much Does a Great Pyrenees Cost? 2024 Price Guide
Click to Skip Ahead Owning a dog of any kind can be a huge expense. However, when you have one as large as the Great Pyrenees, you can probably estimate that you will be spending much more on average than a normal dog owner. The food alone can drastically impact your budget. In this article, we’re going to go over every single aspect of dog care with the Great Pyrenees in mind. Then you can get a good idea on exactly how much money will come out of your pocket and ways that you can save. Bringing Home a New Great Pyrenees: One-Time...
How Often Should You Bathe a German Shepherd? Vet-Verified Grooming Guide
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead Bathing a German Shepherd too often can potentially cause issues with their fur and skin. However, not bathing often enough can also lead to skin complaints and leave your GSD with a bad odor. Bathing should be part of your regular care and maintenance plan with your canine companion, and you should aim to bathe yours every 2 to 3 months, while also keeping on top of brushing the coat, and even...
FAQ for Temporary Clinic Relocation
Sep 06, 2024 Beginning September 5th, 2024, all clinic operations and functions in Building C will be temporarily relocated to our Davenport building. A special note for fosters: Please continue to follow the same procedures for medical emergencies, appointments or medication pick-up. We apologize for any inconveniences you may encounter during this transition and assure you that we are doing everything we can to make these changes as seamless as possible. Frequently Asked Questions: Why is the clinic having to relocate? We were made aware of...
All Dogs Deserve a Comfortable Retirement: Pain Relief for Older Dogs
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my five funny dogs, Poppy, Bailey, Kodah, Ned, and Fred. It is something of a misplaced point of pride amongst many owners of elderly dogs about managing to keep their dogs off painkillers, as though this is some sort of great achievement. In reality, a 12-year-old Labrador that doesn’t need any pain relief is something of a...
Dogs and Cats Thrive on Lean Meats. Try These Two Today!
Lean meats for dogs and cats are good for their health, encourage picky eaters, support healthy digestion, and have many other benefits. Pet parents are always on the lookout for the best food and treats for their dogs and cats, and no matter what you choose, lean meats should be on the menu. With a lower fat content than other proteins, lean meats have myriad benefits for health, digestion, weight management, and more. And the best part is dogs and cats love them! If you’re on the hunt for a healthy, delicious, irresistible treat for...
How Many Puppies Do Beagles Have? Our Vet’s Pregnancy Guide
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead Congratulations! Your Beagle is pregnant. While you wait to greet the newest additions to your family, you might start wondering how many puppies to expect. How many pups should your healthy female Beagle have, and how can you tell? How Many Puppies Do Beagles Have? Beagles can have varying numbers of puppies, but according to the American Kennel Club, the average number of puppies in a Beagle...
Are Pugs Good with Kids? Facts & Info
Click to Skip Ahead Pugs are a real favorite because of their compact, adorable appearance and spunky personalities. These dogs were literally bred to be companion animals and they are super affectionate with people. Not only are Pugs incredible companions, but they make pretty good watch dogs, too! Don’t let their little size fool you. They will alert you of everything—even if it’s just a leaf scuttling across the yard. But how good are they with kids? We’d dare to say fantastic! Pugs Are Perfect for Families Pugs are...
Austin Pets Alive! Collaborates on Life-Saving Treatment and Research For FIP Cats
Sep 05, 2024 Pioneering FIP Treatment helps save over 250 cats from previously considered untreatable disease. Austin, TX – [Date] – Austin Pets Alive! (APA!) has been working with the University of Florida Shelter Medicine program to conduct research on an innovative treatment to save cats infected with Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Until recently, there were no viable or publicly available treatments for the disease, but the medication is now available to the public, providing hope for shelter cats. In July, more...
Excessive Drooling in Dogs
If your dog is going from normal slobber to concerning symptoms, consider the following guidelines. Excessive drooling in dogs can be concerning for dog parents, but understanding its causes and effective approaches to managing it can help ease worries. Here’s a guide to tackling this common issue. Understanding Normal Drooling Drooling is a natural behavior in dogs, serving various purposes, such as aiding digestion and cooling down. However, some breeds, like Mastiffs and Saint Bernards, are known for their slobbering due to...
What a nationwide survey can tell us about building programs to keep dogs and their people together
An online survey of animal welfare organizations in the United States was done to learn about programs run by shelters and rescue organizations to explore the factors they believe contribute to canine relinquishment and help dog owners keep their pets. There were 111 responses included in the analysis of the survey. On Thursday, September 12, 2024 at 12PM PT/3PM ET, Seana Dowling-Guyer will be sharing the key takeaways of this survey during the Maddie’s Insights webcast. The research found that a whopping 95% of...
What Is a Double-Coated Dog? Vet-Verified Info, Breed Examples & Care Guide
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead All dogs are pretty impressive in looks. After all, if you consider they all come from wolves, it’s wild to consider that all these different coat colors, textures, and lengths originated from this ancient canid species. If you have heard the term double-coat, you might wonder what it means and if your current dog or a dog you want has this breed feature. Essentially, a double coat means that...
Are Great Pyrenees Good With Cats? Behavior & Temperament
Click to Skip Ahead The Great Pyrenees is a lovable dog, making the breed an excellent family pet. It is an ancient breed, most likely originating from Siberia or Central Asia. They are large animals, with males getting well over 100 pounds. That fact alone is one red flag to keep in mind when considering bringing a Great Pyrenees home to your pet cats. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t raise them alongside felines. How your Great Pyrenees interacts with your cat largely depends on proper socialization and...
11 Dog Park Safety Tips to Consider for a Smooth Experience
Taking your dog on an adventure to meet up with friends will be the highlight of their week. Just like when you’re going in public for any reason, certain safety precautions need to be considered. You are responsible for the safety of not only your dog, but others! So, when you take your dog to the dog park, you should always keep rules, regulations, and precautions in mind so you can have a great experience. Below are some important factors to consider when you’re looking. The 11 Dog Park Safety Tips 1. Research Dog Parks Before...
Can Poodles Swim? Vet Approved Water Guide for Your Pup
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead When you see a Poodle today, you might think of them as dainty or even delicate dogs, as they are often considered frilly and showy. However, what might surprise you is that classically speaking, these dogs were designed for the water. With their water-resistant coats and lean muscular physiques, Poodles can swim through the water with ease. Of course, there are safety precautions necessary for any...
Do Dogs Have Uvulas? Vet Reviewed Dog Anatomy
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead You know that your anatomy and your dog’s are very different. However, despite all the differences between human and canine anatomy, there are also a few similarities. When it comes to similarities in the mouth and throat of humans and canines, you might have wondered whether dogs have uvulas like we do. As it turns out, dogs do not have uvulas! Unlike humans, canines have no need for a...