Can Dogs Eat Ribs? Nutrition Facts & Precautions
Click to Skip Ahead Ribs—whether we’re talking beef or pork ribs—are a tasty main dish that is just as good on the grill as in the oven. However, if you’re whipping up some ribs for dinner tonight, you might wonder if this is something you can share with Fido when they inevitably express interest in having a taste of what’s on your plate. In theory, all beef and pork cuts are safe for dogs to eat so long as they’re cooked and kept simple (no seasonings or spices). However, the pork and beef rib bones are a...
15 Adorable Bichon Frise Haircuts (With Pictures)
The Bichon Frise is a fun, loving, and energetic dog. They are also undeniably adorable. With their curly hair and cute faces, it’s easy to fall in love with them. Once you have one of these dogs in your home, it’s fun to play with styles, accessories, and cuts. Let’s take a look at 15 adorable Bichon Frise haircuts you can try on your baby so you can try something new whenever the notion strikes. The 15 Bichon Frise Haircuts 1. The Puppy Cut Image Credit: Studio Peace, Shutterstock The puppy cut is a cute, popular way...
Do Dogs Have a Gag Reflex? Our Vet Explains
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead If you have seen videos of a dog making a retching noise, you might wonder if it’s due to a gag reflex. We’re here to tell you, that yes, dogs have gag reflexes just like humans. Yet another thing we have in common! Before reading this article, you should ensure what your dog is really doing is gagging. Vomiting and coughing can both look a lot like gagging, and can be associated with...
Penny’s Trip to Franklin: A Dog-Friendly Vacation
Hi, I’m Savanna! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my spunky Chihuahua mix, Penny. My husband and I recently took a trip up to Nashville, Tennessee for a concert. We decided that since we would only be gone 24 hours, it would be easier and cheaper just to bring Penny with us. But I don’t really like staying in Nashville because it’s so expensive and so crowded. So we decided to stay about 30 minutes outside of Nashville in Franklin. This was our second or third time staying in Franklin, but...
Can Police Dogs Smell Vapes? Vet-Verified Facts & Info
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead You already know that dogs have an incredible sense of smell; this is why they’re often used in police work for sniffing out drugs or bombs. Canine breeds working with the police usually have the best sense of smell among dog breeds, too. So, if you’re carrying a vape, you might wonder if a police dog can smell it. The answer to that question is that they can, but in most cases,...
Recognizing Signs of Stress in Dogs and Cats (And 6 Steps to Alleviate It)
Stress in companion animals can cause health problems and unwanted behaviors, but it’s not always easy to spot. Here are the most common signs of stress in dogs and cats and six ways to help your fur baby. Dogs and cats can experience stress just like humans. Common sources of stress for them include changes in their environment, sudden loud noises like fireworks or sirens, new family members, medical issues, or even your stress. Recognizing stressors is a good step toward helping your animal companion feel more comfortable and secure....
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Maddie’s Fund celebrates 30 years, $3 million in grants from the ASPCA, and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. The fulfillment of a promise to a miniature schnauzer celebrates 30 years, thanks to Dave and Cheryl DuffieldMaddie’s Fund®, a family foundation established in 1994 by Dave and Cheryl Duffield as the fulfillment of a promise to their Miniature Schnauzer, Maddie, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Maddie’s Fund was created by a family who has a history – in work and philanthropy – of finding innovative solutions to tough...
My Dog Ate a Wasp: Our Vet Explains the Risks, Signs & Next Steps
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead All of us are likely aware of people who have serious allergies to bees and/or wasps and become worried that the same thing can happen to our dog. Oftentimes we notice our dogs lying in the sun, minding their own business, only to be interrupted by a buzzing wasp around them. If your dog is anything like mine, they will also be bothered by the noise of a buzzing wasp and try to grab them in their...
10 Tips for Engagement Photos With Your Dog (2024)
Engagement photos are beautiful keepsakes that capture the feelings of excitement and anticipation that are present during the moments before your wedding. Including your dog in your engagement photos is a great way to involve the ones you love as you try to gather and collect beautiful moments. Of course, bringing a dog to your engagement photo session comes with a unique set of challenges. Our tips are here to help you prepare and inspire ideas for your engagement photoshoot with your dog. The 10 Tips for Engagement Photos With Your Dog 1....
How Do Dogs Fall Asleep So Fast? Exploring the Canine’s Sleep Cycle
Click to Skip Ahead Dogs have a plethora of skills and talents, but their ability to fall asleep in seconds flat is truly jealousy-inducing. How is it that your pup can nod off into slumber the moment their bodies settle in for a nap? Their unique sleep cycles and lifestyle factors can influence how quickly dogs can fall asleep. Read on to learn more. How Do Dogs Fall Asleep So Fast? 1. Unique Sleep Cycles Dogs sleep a lot, but their sleep cycles are different from ours. They don’t typically crawl into bed for the night at 10 pm and...
How Old Is 3 in Dog Years? Vet-Approved Guide to Each Size of Dog
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead While the “one year for Rufus equals seven years for you” rule was widely accepted as truth for many years, it’s more of a generalization rather than completely accurate. Depending on a dog’s breed and size, a three-year-old dog could be anywhere between 28 and 31 in human years. Read on to learn more about calculating dog years to human years and the science behind this...
How Old Is 9 in Dog Years? Vet-Approved Guide to Each Size of Dog
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead The vast majority of people will equate 1 year of human life to 7 years of life for dogs, but it’s actually a little more complex than that. Other factors like breed and size affect a dog’s lifespan, and a 9-year-old dog can be between 52 and 71 years old depending on their size. Size: Age in human years: Small breed (<20 lbs or less): 52 years Medium breed (21 to 50 lbs): 56 years...
How Old Is 7 in Dog Years? Vet-Approved Guide to Each Size of Dog
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead There is an old urban legend that says one year of a human’s life is equivalent to seven dog years, and as simple as that calculation is (Dogs Age x 7 = Human Equivalent), it’s not entirely accurate. Depending on its breed and size, a 7-year-old dog would be 44–56 in human years, but determining a dog’s age in human years isn’t quite that simple. Read on to learn how...
How Old Is 4 in Dog Years? Vet-Approved Guide to Each Size of Dog
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead While the “one human year for every seven dog years” has been a convenient way to correlate a dog’s age to that of a human, this standard falls apart for early ages. Following that rule, a 4-year-old dog would be roughly 28 in human years, a significant underestimation for some dog breeds. The truth is that these dogs are older than expected, with 4 human years equal to...
My Dog Ate Glass: Our Vet Explains the Potential Risks, Signs & Next Steps
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead Dogs eating glass is a risky situation. Shards of glass can damage the gastrointestinal tract or even perforate it, which can be a life-threatening situation. However, the risk depends on what the glass is like. You need to take your dog to the vet, but we will give you a quick rundown of what you should know. What Happens If a Dog Eats Glass? There are a few possible consequences of your dog...
How Can I Tell If My Dog’s Leg is Broken or Sprained? Our Vet Explains the Signs & What to Do
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead Dog owners never want to see their canine companions in pain. Unfortunately, there’s only so much we can do to supervise our dogs and prevent injuries. Accidents happen to us, and they can happen to our dogs too. Dogs are known for their energetic demeanor and love for exercise, and these two factors may predispose them to injuries. If your dog has injured a leg, you’ve probably noticed...
Are Basset Hounds Lazy? Our Vet Explains the Breed’s Activity Levels
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead You might be looking into getting a new dog and wonder if the laid-back Basset Hound is right for you. Are these loveable hound dogs lazy, or are they just tricking us into doing their bidding? Generally, Basset Hounds have low energy and typically only need a bit of exercise daily. Let’s dive into the activity levels of a Basset Hound. So, Are Basset Hounds Lazy? Basset Hounds are among the...
Pheromone Therapy for Stressed Pups
Whether it’s caused by thunderstorms, fireworks, or just the anxiety of being left alone, our dogs can experience stress at times. But did you know there’s a natural, odorless solution that can help calm your canine companion? In this blog, we take a look at pheromone therapy for dogs and how it can bring peace to your pup’s world. What Are Pheromones? Nature’s Calming Signals Pheromones are chemical signals that animals release to communicate with each other. In the canine world, mother dogs naturally release calming...
Kodah and the Sneaky Chicken: The Challenge of Feeding an Itchy Dog
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my five funny dogs, Poppy, Bailey, Kodah, Ned, and Fred. Until I had a dog with food allergies, I admit that I underestimated how difficult it was to watch your dog struggling to get comfortable, how challenging it was to work out that their food was the problem, and how incredibly frustrating it is to find a good dog food that is...
RAWZ Celebrates 8 Incredible Ways Service Dogs Support People
September is National Service Dog Month, and RAWZ Natural Pet Food wants to say “Thank You” to all the service dogs who enhance the quality of life and independence for the people they help! Service dogs assist hundreds of thousands of Americans every year, and each September, National Service Dog Month is a time to honor and recognize their invaluable contributions. Service dogs receive special training and certification to perform specific tasks for an individual with disabilities. Depending on the needs of the person, a service...