Diamonds in Peril: The Decline of the Northern Diamondback Terrapin Population
The Northern Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a captivating species of turtle found along the Atlantic coast of the United States. Known for its unique diamond-shaped patterns, this beautiful reptile has captured the imagination of many nature enthusiasts. Unfortunately, studies show the Northern Diamondback Terrapin is facing numerous threats that have pushed its population to the brink of survival. Unique Characteristics and Habitat of the Northern Diamondback Terrapin According to the Connecticut Department of Energy &...
What is a Puppy Cut?
A puppy cut is a dog’s haircut that is one, consistent, typically short length all over the dog’s body. While the dog’s parents and the groomer determine the actual length of hair for their dog, depending on activity levels and outside temperatures, hair length typically ranges from a shave to several inches of hair. The history of the puppy cut The term puppy cut comes from the dog show world to describe how to care for and maintain a Poodle puppy’s coat to prepare her for competing in dog shows. Anyone who has seen a...
3 Reasons to Use Cordyceps for Cats
Cordyceps for cats have many health benefits, including for their kidneys, diabetes, and lungs. No matter what age your kitty is, cordyceps can help keep them healthy and feeling great! Have you heard about the health benefits of Cordyceps for cats? The Cordyceps mushroom is related to two of the tastiest edible mushrooms: Truffles and Morels. This is important because palatability rules when it comes to giving cats healthy supplements. You know how picky our feline friends can be! Beyond that, cordyceps also have many functional benefits for...
Inclusivity in Action: Strategies for DEI in Animal Welfare
[embedded content] The week of Juneteenth, DEI—diversity, equity, and inclusion—is front of mind. But, how can we take action beyond one week and move toward a more diverse and equitable culture in animal welfare? Tune into this panel discussion with Mia Navedo-Williams, Manager of Multicultural Engagement for Best Friends Animal Society, Rory Adams, Senior Manager of Adoption Initiatives for PetSmart Charities, and Shakela Brown, Director of Community Services for Humane Rescue Alliance. Vincent Medley, Maddie’s®...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Free stock library, calming the canines and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. Community celebrates Independence Day by “Calming the Canines” at their local animal shelterWe’re republishing this blog from 2018 since Fourth of July is a stressful time for shelter pets. Here’s how one shelter kept their dogs calm during fireworks. It was the Fourth of July, and both of the shelters run by Maricopa County Animal Care & Control were full. Fireworks displays, a notorious trigger for canine… Learn More...
The Ultimate Summer Pet Safety Guide!
These handy summer pet safety tips will keep your four-legged friends happy and healthy when you’re having fun in the sun, going for a dip, and during all your summer excursions. There’s nothing like a summer adventure with your four-legged bestie! But summer also brings some hazards for your furry pal. Veterinarians Don LeHoullier, owner of Countryside Veterinary Clinic, and Dr. Louis DelGuidice, National Emergency Specialty Director with AmeriVet Veterinary Partners, understand summer risks. They’ve offered some great...
Airedale Terrier 101
Appropriately nicknamed the King of Terriers, the Airedale Terrier conveys this by being remarkably adaptable, talented and a confident breed. Renowned for his independent problem solving, cleverness and hard-working nature, the Airedale yet finds time for fun, and even silliness. The breed is known for both his dedication to a job and to his family. This breed works best with active families that have plenty of time, energy and patience. The Airedale was among the top 10 most popular breeds in America in the early 20th century and came in at...
Can Lipomas in Dogs Be Treated Naturally?
Lipomas are common in dogs, especially as they get older. In most cases, these fatty lumps are harmless and can be treated with dietary and lifestyle changes, along with herbs and other alternative therapies. Any time we spot something different or unusual on our dogs’ bodies, it can set off alarm bells, especially when it appears in the form of a lump or bump. As dog parents, our minds immediately start racing, and we frantically ask ourselves things like: “When did I last feel that spot? Are there any more bumps? Could it be the...
Milk Is Unhealthy And Unnecessary For Your Cat
You’ve probably seen it in viral videos of cute animals, cartoons, or children’s books where cats are happily (sometimes even eagerly) drinking from a bowl of milk instead of just water. Do they enjoy them as a treat? Does it give them added nutrition– is it even safe to consume actually? It’s not unusual for people to associate cats with milk. In fact, it’s a myth and a common stereotype that cats love drinking milk. The video below might say otherwise, but the fact remains that cats can’t drink milk....
Fun at the Beach—With Your Dog!
Taking your dog to the beach this summer? Once you’ve factored safety into your plans, there are plenty of fun activities you can enjoy together. Summer wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the beach. The question is, should you take your dog? If he’s the active type who likes people and other dogs, there’s no reason why not. You’ll need to find a dog-friendly beach, of course, and ensure your canine’s safety and comfort while you’re there. But once you’ve checked those boxes, you can relax...
5 Best Dog Mouthwashes and Dental Rinses
As pet owners, we want to ensure our dogs maintain healthy teeth and gums, but sometimes brushing alone isn’t enough. According to veterinarian Doc Halligan, “While nothing can replace regular brushing every other day, dental sprays and additives can be a helpful supplement, especially for dogs that are difficult to brush.” There are a lot of choices when it comes to dog mouthwashes and rinses, but not all products are created equal. Paw through these five picks for best dog mouth wash that we found were safe,...
Understanding and Supporting Your Dog or Cat’s Nervous System
Find out why the nervous system is the most important system in your dog or cat’s body, and how to keep it healthy and functioning properly. Our dogs and cats are made up of multiple body systems that come together to form the unique individuals we interact with daily. Of all these systems, none is more important than the nervous system. It’s the body’s main communication network, connecting and coordinating all the functions needed for life. That’s why nurturing and maintaining a healthy nervous system during all...
Ellen Pompeo Adopts Sweet Rescue Puppy Named Tom
Actress Ellen Pompeo just welcomed an adorable rescue puppy into her life! Pompeo is best known for her role as Dr. Meredith Grey on Grey’s Anatomy, but she’s a well-rounded actress and can be seen in Law & Order and the kids’ show Doc McStuffins among other things. Ellen PompeoPhoto: Flickr/Walt Disney Television License: CC BY-ND 2.0 The Los Angeles-based animal rescue Maeday Rescue shared on May 17 that they had two adorable puppies available for adoption, Siobhan and Tom. They said in a Facebook post that rheir mom...
Rescuers Save Stray Dog Trapped In An Irrigation Canal
When rescuers with the Diasozo Animal Rescue Team in Greece heard about a dog trapped in an irrigation canal, they knew they couldn’t leave him there. The canal was thankfully dry at the time, but if the dog wasn’t rescued, he’d likely die there. Photo: YouTube/DAR Animal Rescue Animal rescuer Ermoni and a partner worked together to corner the dog in the canal. He was terrified, but they worked slowly and helped him feel as comfortable as possible during the rescue. As soon as they got close to the dog, who they later named...
Abandoned Pit Bull Snuggles With His Yorkie Friend While Waiting For Someone To Help Them
A Good Samaritan discovered an abandoned pit bull and Yorkie-mix snuggling on the streets and waiting for someone to help them. Thankfully, the person made the right decision and called Suzette Hall of Logan’s Legacy in Irvine, California. Irvine, CaliforniaPhoto: Flickr/Kevin Zollman License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Hall is no stranger to rescuing abandoned dogs on the streets of California. She’s come across heartbreaking and endearing situations, including one pup who was dumped outside with all her belongings. This call was something...
Our Nocturnal, Reclusive Neighbors: How Opossums Benefit Our Health and Environment
You don’t have to travel outside the U.S. to find a marsupial. We already have one of our own: the opossum. Often maligned and misunderstood, these critters are, in fact, quite helpful… in addition to being cute, what with carrying their babies in their pouches and “playing possum” or pretending to be dead when they’re stressed out. (Who can’t relate?!) Here are some benefits opossums provide to our gardens, our yards, and even our health! They Help Your Garden and Serve as Pest Control PHOTO: PIXABAY /...
Donkeys Recruited to Defend Sheep from Wild Dogs in Perth
Talk about loud! Have you ever been in close proximity to a donkey braying? It packs a punch and carries quite a distance. Yes, they’re noisy but without them, we would not have succeeded in our advancement of civilization in the timeframe that we did. Now, they can add another position to their resume, that of guard animal. Say what?!?!Think about it. As loud as they are, they’d make a pretty good alarm system. Heck, if peacocks and geese can be enlisted to work security, why not donkeys? Apparently, sheep farmers in Perth,...
Anatomy Can Be Blamed For Millions Of Deer-Car Accidents In The United States
There are roughly 1.9 million deer-related vehicular accidents that happen in the U.S. each year. Insurance companies claim that more than $1 billion in annual insured losses are because of damages caused by deer-car accidents. While many other animals are involved in vehicle collisions, most of them involve deer, and some accidents were fatal. PHOTO: Unsplash/Asa Rodger One study estimated that deer were involved in more than 90% of animal-vehicle collisions during 1994-2021, this data involved 23 states. The state with the highest risk is...
University Students Turn Food Waste into Canine Toothpaste
Students attending the University of Hong Kong’s (HKU) School of Biological Sciences recently took part in a unique program encouraging the transformation of food waste into viable food-based products. The competition is part of the “Food Waste to Good Taste” innovation program, which encourages upcycling and sustainability. Organized in collaboration with GREEN Hospitality, the six-month program prods students to rethink food waste by taking part in workshops, seminars, and food audits, culminating in a competition where...
Dog Leaps over Kennel Wall to Be with Best Friend and Now They Have the Same Forever Home
We all have barriers we must contend with in life. Dogs also have those barriers, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t willing to break free from time to time. When Friends of Minneapolis Animal Care and Control saw what happened with two stray dogs, they couldn’t help but share it. Those strays, Brenda and Linda, arrived at the shelter together. Photos: SCREENSHOT: FACEBOOK/FRIENDS OF MINNEAPOLIS ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL They wanted to give the newcomers some time alone before allowing them to be with the rest of the dogs in...