Dog Irritated with Owner Sits in Front of TV, Purposely Blocking View of Football Game
The following story was submitted in the Pawsitively Picture Perfect photo contest. The top three finishers received $500 in cash, as well as $2,000 in cash and supplies for their favorite shelter. To read more stories, click here! Setting the stage – Detroit Lions on television and winning (which is not always the case). Quinn Adele has been in and out several times already before the game started – in preparation for me attempting to watch the game uninterrupted (hahahahahahahaha). DOG. PHOTO: PIXABAY / NICOLAS As you can see by...
Abandoned Emaciated Dog Gives Birth to Eight Puppies, Barely Survives
The following story was submitted in the Pawsitively Picture Perfect photo contest. The top three finishers received $500 in cash, as well as $2,000 in cash and supplies for their favorite shelter. To read more stories, click here! Lilly is a little dog we took in on the 25 of January 2023. She had wandered into our yard, and we’ve taken care of her ever since. She was skinny, scared. She was so weak and underweight that we couldn’t even get her spayed, as the anesthesia would have killed her. PHOTO: EMILIA DOJCINOVIC And then, we...
Firefighters Rescue Tiny Dog Trapped Behind Toilet
When you’re a firefighter, you never quite know what the day will hold. Firefighters respond to so much more than fires. They help out at car accidents, general emergencies, natural disasters and so much more. Of course, there’s also the stereotype of a firefighter helping a kitten down from a tree. For firefighters with the Woodlands Fire Department in Woodlands, Texas, helping an animal in need isn’t out of the question. Photo: Pixabay/Hilary Clark Recently, they were called to assist an animal with an “unusual...
Young Harvest Has Been Homeless For Far Too Long
This is poor, sweet Harvest. He’s been at the Pima Animal Care Center for nearly a year now, and he sure could use a forever home. Shelter staff at PACC made the following comments about this special fella. Harvest is a handsome pooch who came to the shelter in the fall. Well, autumn came and went, and Harvest is still waiting to find his forever home before another season passes. Photo: Pima Animal Care Center Harvest spent some time in PACC’s decompression program for shy and fearful dogs, gaining confidence and trust in people,...
Stolen Dog Reunites With Owner After 2 Years Apart
A dog who was stolen from his owner over two years ago is finally back home with his family. The dog’s owner, River Woods, shared with The Animal Rescue Site that it all started when someone he knew stole his dog, Bobo, and gave him away. He searched for the dog’s new owner to get him back, but he came up empty handed. Photo: Provided by River Woods Months passed, and eventually a year went by. River was starting to lose hope that he’d ever see his dog again. But then, two years after the dog was stolen, a friend sent River...
5 Low-Cost to No-Cost Ideas for Keeping Kitties Cool This Summer
While cats tend to search out warm, comfy spots in the home, even they can get overheated in the summer. Sometimes you’ll find them curled up in cool bathroom sinks napping in the dark. Or you may discover them splayed on tile floors trying to soak up some of the chill from the ceramic. If you’ve got a putty tat that feels the heat, we’ve got a few low-cost to no-cost ideas for you to try this summer. Photo: Pixabay/Furkiddies Kitty Pops This first one is a variation on doggy pops, only for felines. It entails taking a can...
How to Become an Animal Rescue Transporter
Each year rescues and shelters across the country depend on animal transports to assist them in their jobs to relocate and find new living arrangements for homeless pets. The animals are often driven or flown to locations where there are shortages of adoptable pets versus the areas where they were initially taken in and processed. It is just one of the many rewarding ways for people to get involved in animal welfare. If you’d like to make a difference this way, here is some information on what you can do as a volunteer to become part of...
Study Explains Why Ghost Catfish Might Have A Rainbow Shimmer
Many people opt for colorful fish to put into their aquariums. We have the neon tetras that have blue bodies and bright red stripes, a wide variety of guppies that come in different colors, or the goldfish that, contrary to their name, don’t always just have gold scales. PHOTO: Unsplash/Vikram Mudaliar One particularly eye-catching yet also somehow imperceivable freshwater fish is popular with hobbyists and in the aquarium trade in general. Ghost catfish or glass catfish are scaleless, and they’re typically described as having no...
Dog Found With Shattered Leg On The Side Of The Road In South Africa Needs Your Help To Heal
Greater Good Charities’ Emergency Animal Medical funding saves the lives of pets suffering from traumatic injuries, like Ash. The estimated 5-year-old dog was found on the side of the road by a citizen in Mitchell’s Plain near Cape Town, South Africa. The low-income area is sadly full of homeless and abandoned dogs. Rescue is Life was contacted by the citizen for help in treating the sweet pup. Photo: Rescue is Life Ash had been hit by a vehicle and her front left leg was shattered. She also suffered from injuries to her abdomen....
Help! My Dog Ate a Battery!
Whether your dog simply had a battery in his mouth or fully ingested it, Dr. Anna Robinson, a small animal veterinarian in Texas, says to take swift action. The first thing to do is to flush the dog’s mouth out with tepid water, then call your veterinarian. “Depending on the age and type of the battery ingested, there isn’t really any first aid you can do, unless your dog immediately vomits up the battery whole and unchewed,” says Dr. Robinson. Symptoms after dog ate battery “Batteries contain a variety of toxic...
Community celebrates Independence Day by ‘Calming the Canines’ at their local shelter
We’re republishing this blog from 2018 since Fourth of July is a stressful time for shelter pets. Here’s how one shelter kept their dogs calm during fireworks. It was the Fourth of July, and both of the shelters run by Maricopa County Animal Care & Control were full. Fireworks displays, a notorious trigger for canine anxiety, were scheduled in the areas surrounding both buildings. Worse, history had shown that the packed shelters would take in large numbers of dogs during and after the celebration. They could easily have...
Shelter Dog Has So Many Well-Wishers After Adoption, He Gets More Than 7,500 Facebook Fans
The following story was submitted in the Pawsitively Picture Perfect photo contest. The top three finishers received $500 in cash, as well as $2,000 in cash and supplies for their favorite shelter. To read more stories, click here! Have you ever seen an animal rescued, nursed back to health, rehabilitated, all on social media, and then never see or hear from them after the adoption? You just hope and pray that they are safe. PHOTO: MIKE DUENKE That’s what makes Champ so unique. When I was chosen to adopt him, I was asked if we could...
“Scary” Doberman Loves Cuddling Up With A Blanket
An adorable Doberman mix is going viral for his absolute love of blankets. Some dogs breeds are unfairly stereotyped as aggressive, when it really comes down to the individual dog and their upbringing. Photo: TikTok/@dashandthor While Dash the Doberman might wrongly be stereotyped as aggressive by people who don’t know him, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, Dash is like a giant teddy bear! He loves to cuddle up with a blanket and get nice and cozy. Photo: TikTok/@dashandthor Speaking with The Dodo, Dash’s...
Unlikely BFFs Milkshake & Dumplin’ are Inseparable Buds
Who doesn’t enjoy a good Odd Couple story regarding mismatched animals most of us would never have anticipated becoming best friends. Everybody needs a best bud, after all, so why shouldn’t animals, regardless of their species designation? Unlikely BFF’s Milkshake, the duck, and Dumplin’, the mini cow, are here to show once more that it can be done. The inseparable duo share a love for water and just hanging out together, but there’s a “sweet love story” behind their friendship, according to Louisiana...
It’s Not Just Sea Life That’s Inadvertently Consuming Toxic Plastics
Ready for more bad news concerning the ingestion of toxic plastics? At least, it seems that way every time we click on the news. Unfortunately, there is some unsettling information regarding the subject, and this time it’s not focusing on wildlife but on human beings. As it turns out, microplastics tend to collect in hotspots in the nasal cavity or the back of the throat, and it’s as unhealthy for us as it sounds. In recent years, we have regularly been inundated with stories regarding the negative impacts of plastics on wildlife,...
Meet The French Bulldog Who Loves Surfing
I grew up by the beach and surfing is a big hobby for people in my town. The water is freezing and it’s not sunny often, but people get out there and make the most of it. It’s exhilarating and fun, and once your surfboard and wetsuit are paid for, it’s a relatively cheap or even free activity. Phoro: YouTube/Kritter Klub As it turns out, it’s not just humans who might enjoy a day in the waves. Dogs can enjoy it as well! Ricochet the Golden Retriever was a prime example of a dog who loves to surf. Sadly, he passed away...
Wealthy Florida Woman Leaves Multimillion-Dollar Estate to Seven Cats
We’ve all heard the expression “You get to pick your friends, not your family.” Well, we also get to choose our pets, and if we want to make them the sole heirs to our estates, that’s our business, too (at least in some states). And that’s exactly what a wealthy Florida woman did when she had a stipulation placed in her will stating that she wanted to leave her money and Tampa mansion to her seven cats. Photo: Pixabay/damdie Per the Tampa Bay Times, Nancy Sauer passed away on November 23, 2022. Without any living...
One Year After Being Set On Fire, Warrior Princess Riona Has Found Her Forever Home
A sweet dog named Riona has endured horrific abuse at the hands of her cruel former owner but is ready to put the past behind her as she meets her new loving family. Almost a year ago to the date, she was doused in gas and set on fire and found running through the streets of Memphis. She was taken in by Tails of Hope Dog Rescue who brought her to Bluff City Veterinary Specialists and her long road to recovery began. The sweet pup underwent several surgeries and countless months of rehabilitation. According to the rescue, “60% of her...
What Are Qualities of the Best Vegetarian Dog Food?
Vegetarian dog food has gained significant popularity as one of the latest trends in the realm of dog food. Pet parents realize that vegetarian dog food stands out as a sustainable choice full of benefits that can help dogs live longer, healthier lives. But even so, many pet parents are not aware of what separates the best vegetarian dog food from other, less beneficial products that are simply riding the wave of the current trends. Here, Freshpet explores a few of the qualities of the best vegetarian dog food that pet parents should look for...
Best Heated Dog Beds and Are They Safe?
Heated dog beds are becoming increasingly popular among pet owners who want to provide their pup with a warm and comfortable place to rest. But are they good for your dog’s health? According to veterinarian and author Doc Halligan, the answer is yes! Heated beds especially benefit senior dogs with arthritis and other health issues. “When dogs get older, they may benefit from having soft and heated bedding as their muscle mass decreases,” she says. “They may also develop calluses and sores and their joints can become...