American Kestrel Finds New Wings as an Avian Artist
In the picturesque village of Quechee, Vermont, an extraordinary story has unfolded involving a remarkable American kestrel named Ferrisburgh. Once a free-spirited falcon soaring through the skies, Ferrisburgh’s life took a fateful turn. After losing his ability to fly, he has embarked on a captivating journey as a painter, captivating audiences with his newfound artistic talent. Thanks to the dedication of the Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS), Ferrisburgh has made the unique transformation from a flight ambassador to an...
Rescue Cat Tugs at ‘Dog Person’s’ Leg, Changes Their Mind on Cats
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! I’m a dog person; cats, not so much. I walked into the pet store for dog food one day and passed by several cages on the floor. While standing near one of them, a paw came through the bars and coaxingly started tapping and pulling at my leg. CAT. PHOTO: PIXABAY / APRIL REID I asked the foster to let me hold him, and when he was handed to me, he wrapped his arms around my neck and...
Couple Wanted Two Cats, But Adopt Three Littermates Recovering From Upper Respiratory Infections
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! We had always thought we were “dog people.” After our second dog passed away in 2010, we went pet-less for a while. One night in December 2010, a cat showed up in our driveway and promptly “adopted” us! Milo was with us for three short years before he died unexpectedly early in 2014. We were devastated. We knew, though, that Milo had shown us that cats are cool,...
How to Use Essential Oils Safely Around Your Dog or Cat
Essential oils are all the rage right now, and many people hail them as natural aromatherapy remedies for a variety of ailments. But natural does not always equal safe, especially for animals. There’s a dark side to essential oils too, as they can pose potential health and safety concerns under certain circumstances. Photo: Adobe Stock/elenavolf Which Essential Oils Are Safe? So which oils are safe to use on or around your pet? The short answer is that we don’t know. Essential oils have not been studied in depth, so, while there...
Birding Community Embraces Inclusivity by Renaming Dozens of Avian Species
In a move aimed at promoting inclusivity and diversity within the birding community, the American Ornithological Society (AOS) has announced an initiative to rename American birds and dozens more. This significant change seeks to remove human monikers from bird species’ English names, addressing concerns about offensive and exclusionary nomenclature. Photo: Wikimedia Commons / RhododendritesAnna’s Hummingbird is among the American birds set for a name change. The Power of Names Bird names carry immense significance, not only for...
Invasive Beetle Threatens California’s Tree Nut Crops
The lush orchards of California are known for producing some of the world’s finest tree nuts, including almonds, pistachios, and walnuts. However, a new invasive beetle has emerged as a significant threat to these valuable crops. This beetle, Carpophilus truncatus, which is native to Australia, has been causing havoc by overwintering in mummy nuts. The presence of C. truncatus in California’s tree nut orchards will no doubt lead to consequences for the state’s tree nut industry. Photo: PexelsCarpophilus truncatus, an...
Mom Says Family Doesn’t Need Another Cat, Caves After Stray Meows in Yard All Night
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! It was a chilly October night when a sad brown tabby sauntered into our yard, mewling helplessly and begging for food and love. With a well spoiled and very territorial calico already in the house, my mother was not eager to accept another furry tenant, so the poor cat stayed outside while the rest of us checked on it every few minutes. CAT. PHOTO: PIXABAY / RIHAIJ My mother stood by her...
New Research Shows Pigeons Solve Problems the Same Way Artificial Intelligence Does
Pigeons have been successfully trained by humans to do a variety of things, from carrying messages in war time to racing, A new study shines some light onto how these teachable animals think. Research recently published in iScience took a look at how pigeons solve visual categorization tasks, something at which they’re particularly gifted. The goal was to see if they’re able to master these tasks through complex processes. Throughout their experiments, the team learned that the birds solve such tasks in an interesting manner,...
Australian Firefighters Take Off Their Shirts Again And Pose With Adorable Animals To Raise Funds For Charities
As we near the end of 2023, we look ahead to the next year – or at least to the reveal of the most popular calendar filled with Australian firefighters and adorable animals. For the past 30 years, actual Australian firefighters have been taking off their shirts for good causes. They pose alone and alongside furry animals to create calendars to help several charities. Over $3.45 million has been donated to charities from calendar sales and they don’t plan to stop anytime soon. It all started in 1993 to raise funds for research into...
Foster Mom Shares Heartbreaking Goodbye With Beloved Senior Pit Bull, “I Loved Him From Day 1”
It was love at first sight for foster mom, Nina, when she met a senior pit bull named Louis. The sweet dog was surrendered by his owner who could no longer care for him to a LA shelter where Frosted Faces Foundation (FFF) rescued him from. Louis arrived with several health problems and needed immediate medical care. Nina stepped up to foster the old boy in February 2023 and recalls, “I loved him from day 1 and secretly (or probably not so secretly) hoped that he would never get adopted because I loved him so much. Louis got along with...
Watch Herbie the Hippo’s Pumpkin Extravaganza
If you haven’t seen it yet, you’re in for a real treat—pun intended! A video of Herbie, a lovable hippo residing at the Toledo Zoo, going to town on a pumpkin has taken the internet by storm. This Halloween, Herbie showed off his festive spirit by indulging in a massive pumpkin feast. Pumpkins are no easy treat to devour, even for us humans who’ve carved our fair share, but for Herbie, it’s a walk in the park. With each bite, he reminds us of the incredible power of those massive jaws. It’s a Halloween...
5 Simple Steps to Optimal Health With Full Circle Feeding
Submission Guidelines Thank you for your interest in writing for Animal Wellness. As the #1 natural health magazine for pets in North America, we take pride in providing our readers with the information they need to make wise health care choices for their animal companions. Our publication embraces the entire holistic spectrum, from physical health issues to the emotional and spiritual well being of our animals. We welcome unsolicited articles and story outlines as long as they focus on holistic healing, whether physical, emotional or...
Family Adopts Stray, Despite Having Too Many Cats – She Ends Up Being Pregnant and Gives Them 4 More
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! March 6 was the day our lives would change forever! About three months before that day, a little girl kitty came over with a stray we fed all the time, Tuxie (we eventually adopted him). She was very skinny and shy, but I eventfully got her to trust me. KITTENS. PHOTO: PIXABAY / JONAS JOVAISIS It started to snow, so we began bringing her inside the garage at night and getting closer to...
Senior Shelter “Pup-kin” Named Yorkshire Is All Dressed Up And Hoping For Best Treat – A Home
Yorkshire, a 10-year-old pit bull mix, was found wandering the streets alone by police officers who brought her to Animal Care Centers (ACC) of NYC. No one came to claim the friendly pup, so she was put up for adoption. She is the definition of a proper lady with the best manners and the most adorable gray face. Her caretakers describe her as a “sweet and social older gal who is brewing with energy”. Senior dogs like her are often passed by for younger dogs, but she still loves to play with toys and has a lot of love to give. Her...
From Vampire Wasps to Groins of Fire: Meet 2023’s New Species
Even in this age of instant information, scientists continue to unearth new and fascinating species every year. Despite the ongoing challenges of climate change and habitat destruction, 2023 has proven to be a year of remarkable discoveries. From parasitoid wasps in the Peruvian Amazon to ancient penguins in New Zealand, the year has brought us a wealth of new creatures to marvel at. Let’s look at 10 of the most intriguing new species discovered in 2023. Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Kari Kaunisto, Unité de la biodiversité de...
Inspire your community to #BeAHelper with these charming PSAs
Last year, Maddie’s Fund®, The Ad Council and The Humane Society of the United States launched, “Pets and People Together,” a fully integrated public service announcement (PSA) campaign, to inspire pet lovers everywhere to #BeAHelper. Ninety-seven percent of pet owners consider their pet to be family. At any given time, anyone may experience a crisis that can temporarily impact their ability to care for their pets. This campaign highlights that the best place for pets is with their people, and that communities have...
Incredible Effort Frees Humpback Whale from 300lb Crab Pot
In the cold waters of Alaska, a young humpback whale found itself ensnared in a life-threatening situation. Local residents discovered the whale struggling with an extraordinary entanglement – a 300-pound crab pot, weighing it down with 450 feet of heavy-duty line, akin to being “hog-tied.” This remarkable rescue operation took place near Gustavus, a city adjacent to the Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. Photo: PexelsHumpback whales are incredibly social creatures, often seen in pods. A Desperate Call for Help As The...
Vet Bill Woes? Here Are Some Practical Solutions To Rising Pet Care Costs
As responsible pet parents, we cherish the furry companions who bring joy and unconditional love into our lives. Our pets are not just animals; they are beloved family members. We want the best for them, ensuring they stay healthy, safe, and happy. But the cost of pet care is on the rise, and many of us face a challenging dilemma: How can we provide top-notch care for our pets without breaking the bank? Thankfully, there are some practical solutions to help you provide the best care for your pets on a budget. Photo: PexelsOne cost-saving idea...
Family Adopts a Kitten for Their Other Kitten to Play With, It Ends Up Being Her Littermate
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! It was February 2010, and I had recently lost my 13 year old kitty. I missed having him shadow me and needed the companionship. We went to the local shelter, and I found Starlight, a four month old short-haired kitten who stole my heart! She quickly made herself at home with me, and we formed a deep bond. KITTENS. PHOTO: PIXABAY / ADINA VOICU Unfortunately, we had another older cat who...
Famous Surfboard-Swiping Otter Has a New Pup
An otter that made headlines earlier this year for her dedication to surfboard swiping now has a mini-partner in crime. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has confirmed that sea otter 841 – who lives in the Santa Cruz, California, area – has a pup of her own. This comes after the aquatic kleptomaniac was observed with a baby otter by avid wildlife watchers. The new baby may provide a clue as to why she was so possessive of other people’s surfboards over the past few months. Breaking news and a major announcement!...