Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/bride-and-groom-rescue-stray-dog-crashed-wedding/

A stray dog that crashed a wedding ended up getting his own “happily ever after” when the bride and groom decided to rescue and adopt him!

Douglas Robert and Tamíris Muzini were enjoying a church wedding in Brazil when a stray dog showed up from the streets.

The dog, now named Braiá Caramelo de Jesus, made his way to the church’s entrance and quietly watched the ceremony, even taking a nap partway through.

1200x628 template 4 2022 07 19T230631.630 - Newlyweds Rescue And Adopt Stray Dog Who Crashed Their Wedding
Photo: Instagram/@carmelodejesus

Everyone noticed the pup, and a photographer even managed to capture some footage of the wedding-crashing dog, which was later uploaded to Instagram.

Check out the clip below:

Not only did Braia sit and watch the ceremony, but he was the first to greet the newlyweds as they exited the church!

While some couples might’ve been annoyed to have a stray dog from the streets jumping on their nice wedding clothes, Robert and Muzini were thrilled.

In an interview with The Dodo, the bride revealed that she first spotted Braia when she arrived at the church. She said, “I was surprised. I thought, ‘Look, there’s a dog inside the church.’ My heart melted.”

“When he greeted us at the end so, he asked: ‘Take me home. Take me,’” Muzini added.

The newlywed couple happily obliged and took Braia home with them. Of course, they wanted to get him into a veterinarian for a checkup and that’s when they learned of his rough past.

According to The Dodo, the vet discovered one of Braia’s paws was broken and needed to be put in a cast. The dog also had a big scar on his belly, likely from being tied up, and suffered from a bruised snout, possibly from being kicked.

No one is really sure what Braia suffered through on the streets or in a past home, but one thing is clear: It didn’t break his spirit!

He’s one dog that’s full of love and life, and he chose the perfect family by going to their wedding. Robert and Muzini started an Instagram for Braia so you can keep up with him in his new life, and after just a week, it had amassed nearly 9,000 followers! You can follow him there, @caramelodejesus.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog