Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/cat-on-my-lap-song/

If you’ve owned a cat before, you know just how hard it can be to get stuff done when they’re in the mood for snuggles. After all, if a cat plops down in your lap, it’s nearly impossible to get up until they’re good and ready to move. They’re like royalty and they deserve our utmost respect – at least, that’s what they think.

Some cat owners agree with that, and they want to pamper and spoil their furry friends and allow them to have uninterrupted lap time and snuggles whenever they want.

1200x628 template 4 2022 12 19T170029.931 - Man Writes Song About Getting Trapped With A “Cat On My Lap”
Photo: Pexels/Sam Lion

However, if you’re a regular person who works full-time or has other day-to-day responsibilities, it can be hard to bend to your cat’s desires. If they choose your lap as their nap spot right before it’s time to leave for work or go out with friends, you’re left with a tough dilemma: Call in sick, or move the cat?

Morgan Morse is someone who understands this all too well. In fact, he even wrote a song about it!

1200x628 template 4 2022 12 19T170152.722 - Man Writes Song About Getting Trapped With A “Cat On My Lap”
Photo: Pexels/Sam Lion

The song details the struggles of having a cat on your lap while trying to live a normal life. The lyrics include:

“Sorry I can’t go to work today, I have a a cat on my lap. ‘You’re fired.’ That’s okay because I have a cat on my lap.”

1200x628 template 4 2022 12 19T165656.380 - Man Writes Song About Getting Trapped With A “Cat On My Lap”
Photo: Instagram/@themorsecoda

The song continued to say having a cat on your lap makes you “in-cat-pacitated” and unable to go out at all!

Check out the song in the video below:

In the video’s caption, Morse called the song “the ultimate excuse” to get out of work and other obligations, and it seems people are taking that to heart!

People even started using the song to showcase how they couldn’t leave the house. Check out some of the clips below:

Have you ever been “in-cat-pacitated” before? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog