daniel plan u1WcrpHk6Pg unsplash copy - Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Summer apprenticeships, conferences, resources and more!

Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week.

The online summer apprenticeships application window is now open! 
Kick summer off right with one of these seven online apprenticeships. Learn all about ringworm, foster field trips or lost pet reunification. Each apprenticeship is four weeks long and is made up of a combination of self-paced learning and four 90-minute weekly Zoom meetings with your instructor. Read on to learn more about the apprenticeships… Learn More

Scholarships are being offered for the ASPCA Cornell Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Conference, #ThanksToMaddie
The conference will take place in Ithaca, NY on July 15-17, 2022. This opportunity is for veterinary practitioners (including veterinarians, technicians, clinic staff, and students) interested in shelter medicine and who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). The scholarship will support travel, lodging, and meals. Awardees will receive a code for free conference registration (please wait to register if you are applying as they are unable to reimburse registration fees). Awardees will be notified via email by June 1st and payments mailed to the address provided or through electronic payment as requested by the awardee. The deadline to apply is May 25th. Apply now

Behavior and training resources for cats and dogs
Are you in the need for behavior materials? Or perhaps you have an amazing training plan you want to shout from the rooftop? Head over to Maddie’s Pet Forum for the May Resource Drive to gather and share. Go Now

Upcoming webcast: Supporting Unhoused People and Their Companion Animals
Established in 1999, The Giving Spirit has provided over 75,000 survival kits that have been distributed by thousands of Giving Spirit volunteers. Join us on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 12n PT/ 3p ET to meet some of their dedicated staff and learn how to create similar kit-building and educational events in your communities. Register now

The Spring Conference for Animal Welfare Advancement will take place in Chicago, June 15-17
There will be four tracks and plenty of continuing education credits! Register today

Want to help keep more people and pets together?
Join Maddie’s® Mailing List, connect with us at Maddie’s® Pet Forum and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s® University!

Source: Chew On This