Original Article: http://chewonthis.maddiesfund.org/2020/12/maddies-weekly-roundup-new-maddies-pet-forum-video-tutorial-celebrate-shelter-pets-day-and-more/

kojirou sasaki HBRgaiELHsM unsplash e1607095561606 - Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: New Maddie’s Pet Forum video tutorial, Celebrate Shelter Pets Day and more!

Below is a brief round-up of new blog posts and resources we’ve added over the past week.

Navigate Maddie’s® Pet Forum with this handy tutorial 
Maddie’s® Pet Forum looks a little different since we refreshed it a few months ago. While we hope it’s been smooth sailing to you, we created a video to help answer any questions you might have. This forum is a free, online community for staff and volunteers at shelters, rescues and related animal welfare organizations, to… Learn More

Today is Celebrate Shelter Pets Day!
This year has been a year unlike any other with historic levels of foster and adoptions from shelters. Our animals, whether permanent residents or just passing through as foster pets, have served as plus ones to Zoom happy hours, provided much needed companionship and entertainment in this unusual year. Let’s honor our pets with Celebrate… Learn More

Dallas Animal Services’ new online tool helps residents in need of rehoming pets
Dallas Animal Services (DAS) recently launched its partnership with Home To Home™, an online platform that allows residents to proactively rehome their pets when keeping them is no longer an option. This free tool also helps prevent shelter overcrowding by transitioning pets directly from their old home to their new one, without ever entering the shelter. Learn More

Join Maddie’s® Instructor Summits!
The AmPA! weekly Maddie’s® Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! You’ll join the instructors from Maddie’s® Lifesaving Academy, as well as other industry leaders, but, more importantly, you’ll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you every Friday afternoon. Topics will change each week. Register Now

Weekly National Calls
Maddie’s Fund hosts an hour-long Zoom call twice a week. While these calls started out as a response to COVID-19, it’s grown into so much more. These calls include discussions around a variety of timely topics related to animal welfare, all while sharing a common goal of preserving the human-animal bond. Learn More

Want to help keep more people and pets together?
Connect with us at Maddie’s® Pet Forum, use Maddie’s® Shelter Compass tool to increase lifesaving success and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s® University!

Source: Chew On This