Original Article: http://chewonthis.maddiesfund.org/2021/04/maddies-weekly-roundup-supporting-survivors-of-domestic-violence-new-e-book-and-more/

gulyas bianka 3WOh54znPGU unsplash copy - Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Maddie’s birthday, supporting survivors of domestic violence, new e-book and more!

Happy Monday! Today is extra special for us as it’s Maddie’s birthday! Although she is no longer with us, we continue to celebrate and give thanks to the little dog who started a revolution. If you haven’t read her story or watched her home video, it’s sure to bring a smile to your face. Please tell us your favorite #ThanksToMaddie story on social or Maddie’s® Pet Forum! As usual, below is a brief round-up of new blog posts and resources we’ve added over the past week.

How animal shelters can support survivors of domestic violence
This is a guest post written by Colleen Parker and Danielle Emery of Urban Resource Institute People and Animals Living Safely (URI PALS). This is part two of a series on building a culture of safety at your animal welfare organization.  You can read part one from last week.  The complicated nature of domestic violence cannot… Learn More

The Best Practice Playbook for Animal Shelters is now available as an e-book!
Dr. Sara Pizano has been working tirelessly to convert her book to an e-book! Her well-regarded book outlines proven best practice strategies to keep pets with their families, engage communities to action on behalf of pets in need, create responsible public policy and place pets who do enter the shelter quickly into homes or back to their original homes. Buy on Amazon Kindle or Apple

Save the date: Maddie’s® Candid Conversation with Ariel Zhang on Tuesday, April 27 at 12p PT
Join us for an open, informal 30-minute conversation and Q+A with Ariel Zhang, Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Animal Foundation. As a young immigrant who moved across multiple continents and countries, Ariel watched her parents work hard to start something better for their family. Hosting the talk is Mary Ippoliti-Smith, one of Maddie’s Fund’s executive leadership team members. Learn More

Upcoming free webcast on May 4 at 12n PT: Is it time to hit the brand refresh button?
Join us for a free, one-hour webcast and take the lead on evaluating whether your current brand represents your work and culture. Learn how to analyze your organization’s brand and make simple and possibly complex changes to evolve into a community-focused organization with stronger relationships and improved public perception.. Register today

Human Animal Support Services Toolkits are here! 
These toolkits provide professional resources for implementing the Human Animal Support Services model of animal sheltering. They’ve been created in collaboration with the HASS Project Working Groups, Pilot Shelters, and HASS/American Pets Alive! staff. Learn More

Want to help keep more people and pets together?
Connect with us at Maddie’s® Pet Forum and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s® University!

Source: Chew On This