Original Article: http://chewonthis.maddiesfund.org/2020/09/maddies-weekly-roundup-dr-michael-blackwell-receives-the-2020-avanzino-leadership-award-using-technology-to-reunite-lost-pets-with-their-families-and-more/

Maddies Weekly Roundup Dr. Blackwell received the 2020 Avanzino Award reuniting lost pets with families - Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Dr. Michael Blackwell receives the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award, using technology to reunite lost pets with their families and more!

Below is a brief round-up of new blog posts and resources we’ve added over the past week.

Meet the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award recipient!
We’re thrilled to announce that the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award goes to Dr. Michael J. Blackwell for his outstanding leadership and purposeful dedication to honor the human-animal bond.  The award is named after Rich Avanzino, the father of the no-kill movement and Maddie’s Fund President from 1999 – 2015. This award recognizes significant achievement and… Learn More

How animal welfare organizations can use technology to reunite lost pets with their families
Animal welfare organizations have been transitioning to a more community-centric model of animal sheltering, including how animal shelters and rescue organizations can support their community reunite with their lost pets. Does your organization offer services to your community that increases return to owner rates AND decreases your intake?   Do you know the biggest obstacles someone… Learn More

Petco Foundation’s Holiday Wishes grant campaign
Adopters can give back to the animal welfare organization that helped match them with their adopted pet by sharing how their adopted pet changed their life. Organizations can earn up to $100K from Petco Foundation. The last day to submit a story is September 23. Learn More

Upcoming webcast: Supporting both ends of the leash 
Learn how a private veterinary practice is partnering with human health care and social workers in unique ways to support people and their pets. Join us on Wednesday, September 23 at 12pm PT/3pm ET for a one-hour discussion with time for Q&A. Register Now

California Animal Welfare Funders Collaborative awards $200,000 in grants to animal shelters across the state
We are proud to be a partner in the California Animal Welfare Funders Collaborative, a new initiative to award $200,000 in grants to animal shelters across the state. Members include Annenburg Foundation, Annenburg PetSpace, Best Friends Animal Society, Maddie’s Fund and Michelson Found Animals Foundation. Learn More

Join #AdoptAFosterDog and celebrate Adopt a Shelter Dog Month with the ASPCA
This year’s ASPCA campaign will focus on educating shelters on how to elevate their Adoption Ambassadors program, particularly by leveraging virtual adoptions. The campaign hopes to empower shelters and rescues to train their foster families to facilitate the marketing and adoption of their foster dogs directly to adopters. Registration is open until September 30. Register Now

Help us learn how to improve the in-kennel welfare of dogs with this short survey
Maddie’s Fund® is sharing this survey on behalf of Allie Andrukonis, PhD student at Texas Tech University, studying animal science. If you work at an animal shelter or rescue organization, participate in this new study on in-kennel welfare in dogs. Take the survey

Register for The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement’s roundtable: Community relations during a time of unrest 
Barriers to community engagement isn’t a new challenge for animal services but a global pandemic and social unrest bring added burden to these essential employees. Hear from three animal services leaders guiding their cities through a difficult climate: Dallas, Greensboro, and Los Angeles. Tune in Thursday, October 1, from 5-6pm ET. Register Now

Join Maddie’s® Instructor Summits!
The AmPA! weekly Maddie’s® Instructor Summit offers shelters and rescues a chance to talk through the most current animal sheltering challenges! You’ll join the instructors from Maddie’s® Lifesaving Academy, as well as other industry leaders, but, more importantly, you’ll be able to engage face to face (digitally!) with people like you every Friday afternoon. Topics will change each week. Register Now

Want to learn more about how Human Animal Support Services are keeping people and pets together? 
Human Animal Support Services (HASS), a new animal welfare organizational model, will implement a new range of services for pets and people in 12 pilot cities, helping keep more animals in their homes and communities and reducing the number entering the shelter system through programs and resources. Read More

Need foster caregivers? GreaterGood.org can help! 
Through their nationwide #StayHomeAndFoster initiative, GreaterGood.org has over 80,000 people signed up to foster, but just 750 organizations to match them with. Register your organization so you can be matched with local fosters in your area! If your organization is not in need right now, you can still sign up so that everything is ready to go when you do need. This includes all 50 states and Puerto Rico. Learn More

Stay connected
As a reminder, we’ve created an emergency fostering and COVID-19 webpage that we are updating regularly as new resources become available. You’re also invited to join the Emergency fostering during the Covid-19/coronavirus pandemic group on Maddie’s® Pet Forum where you can ask questions, share resources and more.

Want to increase lifesaving?
Connect with us at Maddie’s® Pet Forum, use Maddie’s® Shelter Compass tool to increase lifesaving success and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s® University!

Source: Chew On This