Original Article: http://chewonthis.maddiesfund.org/2021/06/maddies-weekly-roundup-behavioral-need-foster-caregivers-candid-conversations-and-more/

ergita sela ok0TGwOnWN0 unsplash copy - Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Behavioral need foster caregivers, candid conversations and more!

Happy Tuesday! Below is a brief round-up of new blog posts and resources added over the past week.

6 tips for recruiting fosters for pets with behavioral needs
Finding foster caregivers for pets who have behavioral needs can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are six strategies animal welfare organizations across the country are using to do just this!    1. Prioritize “unicorn” fosters who have ideal home set-ups for some of your more challenging pets (people who don’t have children or other pets). Be responsive and treat… Learn More

Upcoming virtual conferences
June 8-10, 2021: The Association for Animal Welfare Advancement Spring Conference
June 23-24, 2021: Best Friends National Conference
July 9-11, 2021: The ASPCA® Cornell Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Conference

Register now for a special Maddie’s® Candid Conversation with Justin Marceau and Gabrielle Chapman
Justin Marceau, author of Beyond Cages: Animal Law and Criminal Punishment and Gabrielle Chapman, social justice analyst, will be speaking with each other in special 45-minute edition of Maddie’s® Candid Conversations on Thursday, June 3 at 12 PM PT/3 PM ET. Register Now

Best Friends and the International Municipal Lawyers Association partnered to create a comprehensive community-supported shelter guide.
People, Pets, and Policies: Towards Community Supported Animal Sheltering is designed to provide municipalities with procedures and ordinances that will encourage the humane treatment of animals and build safer communities. Check it out

New ASPCA Data on the “Pet-Return Panic”
By now, most of you have probably seen news reports about adopters returning shelter pets in record numbers. Although national shelter data doesn’t reflect these dire reports or predictions, the ASPCA felt it was important to conduct a poll of the general public on the topic of pet acquisition and retention in a post-pandemic world, and help to definitively refute these claims. View the results

Watch: Maddie’s® Candid Conversation with Dr. Jyothi Robertson, President and Founder of JVR Shelter Strategies 
In her well-established career, Dr. Robertson has consulted on organizational structure and processes in the animal welfare field. Internationally recognized as a specialist in shelter medicine, she examines societal and race dynamics that influence policy choices that impact access to veterinary care and the overall success of lifesaving efforts. You will surely be inspired. Watch Now

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Join Maddie’s Mailing List, connect with us at Maddie’s Pet Forum and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s University!

Source: Chew On This