Original Article: https://chewonthis.maddiesfund.org/2021/12/maddies-weekly-roundup-behavior-program-survey-inclusive-resources-and-more/

patrick hendry Tof1HYnm0LY unsplash copy - Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Behavior program survey, inclusive resources and more!

Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week.

Please note that this will be the last Chew on This blog post for the year. We will see you with fresh posts in January!

Does your animal shelter have a behavior program? Tell us!
You may remember us mentioning we have a few surveys coming your way this winter. Here’s a NEW one about shelter behavior practices. Supporting and making outcome decisions for dogs with behavioral concerns is a challenge for many shelters, so we’re looking to do an assessment of current shelter behavior practices. This survey primarily focuses on dogs,… Learn More

Don’t miss these open and inclusive resources on Maddie’s Pet Forum
With just under four weeks left of the Open Arms Challenge, we hope participating organizations are hitting their stride! But, if you could use a little encouragement, look no further than the Open Arms Challenge group on Maddie’s® Pet Forum. (Even if you are not participating, you may want to join the group to help… Learn More

How to start keeping pets and people together
Human Animal Support Services spoke with six organizations about the different programs and services they offer their communities, and how they got started. Read now

It’s the end of the year Shelter Animals Count data drive!
You have until January 14, 2022 to enter your data. Did we mention there’s $21,000 in grants available?! Update now

Want to help keep more people and pets together?
Join Maddie’s® Mailing List, connect with us at Maddie’s® Pet Forum and take advantage of free online training with Maddie’s® University!

Source: Chew On This