Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-lilly/

This story was originally shared TheAnimalRescueSite.GreaterGood.com. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

Lilly was my granddaughter Angelica’s little ‘chiwinnie’. Lilly got pregnant by Chico, another chihuahua mix. Lilly then gave birth to 6 puppies! Three males and three females.

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PHOTO: Antoinette Gonzales

Tiny was the runt… so very frail we had to help her find her mommas teet. The remaining puppies were in excellent health. Lillys babies were maybe 3 weeks old and Lilly was in the front yard going potty, and all of a sudden a female pit bull got off her leash and attacked Lilly and dragged her up the street.

We ran screaming while the dog still had latched on to her. She had to be put to sleep.

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Lillys babies became ours and we bottle feed them all in shifts. We watched them grow day by day, all survived except poor Tiny, the runt passed about a month later. She was buried next to her momma.

All of Lilly’s babies are all happy and healthy and was potty trained by 2 months old. We saved Lilly’s babies with a lot of love and dertmrmation.

It was very hard work and I know Lilly is looking down at all her babies with that cute little smile she always had.

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We have given two of our babies away, crying each and every time. We kept one of Lilly’s babies. He looks and acts and smiles like his momma. His name is Mr. Linkers the stinker.

I’m in tears writing this story. We just miss her and Tiny so very much. Rest in peace, Lilly and Tiny. We all miss you both so very, very much.

Story submitted by Antoinette Gonzales of Modesto, California.

Lilly’s story was originally shared on theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog