Original Article: http://chewonthis.maddiesfund.org/2021/05/improve-your-marketing-skills-with-our-new-on-demand-course/

iStock 1253918092 copy - Improve your marketing skills with this new self-paced course

Want to learn more about how to market your animal welfare organization, or just sharpen your skills? Now available on Maddie’s® University, The FUNdamentals of Marketing course is for you! It’s designed for people with a rudimentary understanding of marketing, who want to elevate and improve their organization’s brand, voice and audience and have FUN while doing it.

Touching on the basics of branding, audience, communication tools and strategy, this self-paced course will  give you a better understanding of how to communicate with your community. Branding, for example, isn’t just a buzzword for big corporations. Your shelter or rescue organization has a brand. Your brand boils down to how you are perceived and it’s not always in your control. But that’s why the Maddie’s Fund® marketing team authored this course — to help! You’ll learn how to identify your brand and develop its voice.

Once you’ve got a handle on branding, you’ll learn about all the different communication tools available to you. Social media may be the darling of communications and gets a lot of attention, but don’t count out print and digital advertising, press releases or even just the way you answer the phone!

Enroll now and start taking your organization to new heights!

Source: Chew On This