Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/illinois-bans-sale-of-puppy-mill-dogs/

Animal lovers rejoiced when Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed the bill that banned the sale of puppy mill puppies in pet stores.

Illinois is the 5th state to issue such a ban joining California, Maryland, New York, Washington, and countless other cities.

Puppy mills are hell on earth for dogs. Female dogs are bred repeatedly and often kept in squalor conditions. The health of the dogs is overlooked with a sole focus on profits, which usually results in sick puppies.

illinois bans sale of puppy mill dogs 2 - Illinois Becomes 5th State To Ban Sale Of Puppy Mill Puppies In Pet Stores
Photo: Pexels/NEOSiAM 2021

Thousands of people have purchased what they believed to be a healthy puppy from a responsible breeder at their local pet store – only to find out the puppy is sick and malnourished.

Sadly, puppy mills are not illegal and present in nearly every state.

The Humane Society of The United States (HSUS) and many other animal rights organizations are working hard to shed light on the horrible situation, change laws to ban the sale of puppy mill dogs, and shut down abusive puppy mills.

illinois bans sale of puppy mill dogs 3 - Illinois Becomes 5th State To Ban Sale Of Puppy Mill Puppies In Pet Stores
Photo: Unsplash/Sasha Sashina

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“In most states, a breeding kennel can legally keep dozens, even hundreds, of dogs in cages for their entire lives, as long as the dogs are given the basics of food, water and shelter,” states HSUS.

One way states can help is by banning the sale of puppy mill dogs in pet stores. Illinois is the most recent state to join the movement and will only offer rescue dogs for adoption in pet stores.

Find out what laws are in place in your state here to regulate puppy mills.

People praised Illinois for the recent change but believe it should be the law in every state.

“Great news and accomplishment Illinois! Now we need to work on all the other states and get them on board,” commented one person.

Another wrote, “Exciting News! We sure are these Animals Voices! Am overjoyed that we’ve been heard and something’s being done about Sick Puppy’s from Puppy Mills being Sold to unaware buyers. Now these Puppy Mills have to be Banned from existing!”

You can help end the suffering of dogs at puppy mills by adopting not shopping.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog