Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/giving-tuesday-2022/

Throughout the year, your clicks, shopping for a cause, and donations have helped us tackle a variety of problems facing the planet, pets, and people in need. This Giving Tuesday, we’re hoping to do even more for veterans, Ukrainians, pets, and pollinators. Here’s a closer look at what we’re working on.

Providing Relief to Unhoused Veterans and Their Pets

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Nearly 40,000 veterans face homelessness every day, and many of them have pets. Because most homeless shelters don’t allow pets, that can make finding a place to stay even harder. This means as we head into the winter, many of those who served our country are lacking essentials.

To help alleviate the issue, and to make sure homeless veterans have what they need as they seek permanent housing, Greater Good Charities is distributing Good Packs this winter. The packs include items like food, blankets, clothing, reusable water bottles, hygiene products, pet food and toys, and collapsible water bowls. GGC works with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs to identify areas with high rates of veteran poverty and focuses these efforts on such communities.

Each $50 donated to this effort gives one veteran and their pet a Good Pack. Click here to learn more about how to help.

Distributing Kits to Help Ukrainians Get Through the Coming Winter

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Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, millions of Ukrainians have fled to safety, but millions more have remained. For those near the front lines, or those who find themselves in areas recently freed from Russian occupation, the effects of the war are staggering. Critical services, food, and infrastructure have all been impacted. That includes electricity, which many Ukrainians lack. During the winter, temperatures regularly dip below freezing, which means residents will face even more hardship.

To help Ukrainians get through the coming winter, Greater Good Charities has been distributing winter relief kits, including in areas recently freed from Russian control. The kits include enough food for roughly 80 meals, hygiene items, and pet food. Blankets have also been distributed.

To find out how you can help, click here.

Feeding Pets at Home and in Ukraine

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The war in Ukraine isn’t just impacting people. It’s also impacting the nation’s pets. Greater Good Charities has long worked to feed pets in need at home in the United States, particularly those living in crowded shelters, where they may not find a home all that soon and where resources are stretched thin. However, this year, efforts have also pivoted to Ukraine, where shelters lack resources due to the destruction and occupation stemming from the war. This Giving Tuesday, pets in both countries are in focus.

Thanks to a matching donation through DonateStock and Wag!, donations to feed pets are being matched dollar for dollar, all the way up to one million meals. These will go to both shelters and Ukrainian families who need help feeding their pets.

Would you like to contribute? You can do so here.

Feeding Hives of Bees

beehive - How You Can Help People, Pets, and the Planet This Giving Tuesday

Bees are essential to our food production, pollinating many staple crops we eat regularly. They also pollinate plants that are key in promoting healthy forests, wildlife, and watersheds. Unfortunately, the bee population is dwindling, largely due to a lack of their usual food. Disasters can worsen the issue, with hurricanes and other extreme weather events taking out natural plant life that would typically sustain bees.

Florida was heavily impacted by this issue earlier this year, when Hurricane Ian’s strong winds blew across the state, pulling flowers from their roots.

In response, Greater Good Charities has been working to help Florida bees by feeding hives in need. So far, more than half a million pounds of sugar syrup and nearly 100 thousand pounds of bee pollen have been distributed to Florida beekeepers. The issue is ongoing, through, so the work continues.

For those who want to contribute, even a little helps, as donations as small as $15 can feed a hive for two months. To find out more, click here.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog